Guest Episode
January 04, 2024
Episode 138:
The Microbiome & Gut Health with Josh Dech
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Josh Dech is an ex-paramedic and Holistic Nutritionist specializing in gut health.
Through his clients' remarkable successes, even with complex digestive diseases once deemed almost impossible to cure, he forged connections with some of the world's most distinguished doctors.
Since then, he’s been recruited to the Priority Health Academy as a medical lecturer, helping educate doctors on the holistic approach to gut health and complex digestive issues.
Today, we discuss the microbiome and gut health.
welcome to the true Hope cast podcast where we take a deep dive into mental Health's many physiological and psychological aspects this is the show
for you if you're looking for motivation inspiration knowledge and solutions and that's what we are all about here at
true hope Canada true hope Canada is a mind and body based supplement company dedicated first and foremost to
promoting brain and body Health through non-invasive nutritional means for more information about us please visit trueu
hope.com our podcast is going to end with a solution-based question for our
expert providing tools for our listeners to begin healing their bodies and today's question is going to be what one
thing can we do right now to begin healing our gut today on the show I welcome Josh
deck now Josh is an ex paramedic and holistic nutritionist specializing in gut health through his client's
remarkable successes even with complex digestive diseases once deemed almost
impossible to cure he forged connections with some of the world's most distinguished doctors since then he's
been recruited to the Priority Health Academy as a medical lecturer helping educate doctors on the holistic approach
to gut health and complex digestive issues today we're going to be discussing all things gut health enjoy
the show okay Josh welcome to True Hope cast thanks so much for being with us today how are you what is going well
Simon it's a pleasure to be here thank you so much for having me what is going well that's such a great question what
isn't going well I mean really it does all seem to a matter of how you take it you know there's always things going
poorly but if you can look at the sunshine through the tunnel man everything's going well absolutely it's
very easy to dwell on the neg the negatives I suppose that happen in our lives but yeah it's very important to
have a a practice of Grace and gratitude and joy and and all those things and I think starting off the day remembering
those things is very very important to um make sure you're you know catapulting
into the day in a positive motion yeah no doubt about that you know it's so funny because I know you guys have
talked about this a lot on the show and we can so easily just dwell and settle in and focus on the negative and make
mountains out of mole Hills and all these things but really there's always something better everything I find I
hate the term hap you know everything happens for a reason but I do love that everything can have a purpose it can
drive you to something better be it a career change losing your job whatever it is it can always drive to something
better even though we can't see it yet and that is where for me hope comes from beautiful I absolutely love that
thank you well we're going to be discussing gut health gut healing today and at the end of the podcast we're
going to be offering uh offering you up a um question and we're going to look for some solutions to the question what
is one thing you can do right now to start beginning to heal your gut so we're going to jump into that at the end
of the at the end of the show but to kick things off I'd love to learn a little bit more about you so maybe you could tell us a little bit about who you
are and what it is that you do sure so I'm an ex paramedic that was my first career way back in the day and it was
really interesting because during that time I recognized very quickly that I was working in sick care not healthare I
pick up a lot of the same people minus traumas and accidents we pick up a lot of the same people for a lot of just
what we call generally unwell there was heart issues or blood pressure issues or blood sugar issues it was just basically
a glorified taxi for six sick people is what it came down to and so I ended up leaving that career after a while got to
the personal training space in my early 20s I met with a client who came to see me her name was Lynn she was 57 years
old at the time when we started together she was on 17 pills in insulin for breakfast she had nine pills in insulin
with bed she had high blood pressure slept with a cpat machine she was on the disability list at work you could see
very steadily her health just declining over the years and her medications increasing and we started at 57 we
started working in nutrition and fitness and General Wellness and she went from all these medications disability CPAP
high blood pressure at age 59 she was off all but two medications and she actually broke her first world record as
a weightlifter as a powerlifter In The Raw powerlifting Division and kept breaking records till she was 61 62 when
she effectively retired and so that is the healing capacity of the human body
to go from you know 26 medications a day blood pressure issues and disability to
Breaking records and so it started pushing me down this journey of holistic care I started diving more into human
health and the human capabilities of what the body can really do and as time went on I got more Curious I started
looking at skin issues or hormonal issues I saw a lot of PCOS or PMS or anxiety depression all kinds of stuff
insomnia skin issues like psoriasis and eczema and as these things started to come through I found there was a
connection to the gut and I thought well I'm breaking medicine like I'm discovering something amazing no one's ever seen this before turns out they've
been looking at it for 50 years it's is the first I've heard of it and so as these things started to go I I got more
involved in the gut I went back to school became a nutritionist and specialized in the gut and as things
went on I saw worse and worse gut disease until I effectively specialized in Crohn's disease and ulcerative
colitis which is IBD or inflammatory bowel disease which led me to where my career is
today fascinating I'd love to just ask you about the your paramedic experience
so did you basically end up leaving that job because it was not fulfilling you
kind of getting fed up with as you say it was a glorified taxi for kind of sick people mhm it's interesting you say that
it really reaches back to our first conversation we introduced on the episode it was a happy accident I was
pushed in a direction I did not want to go um I used to work some here in Canada
with you and so I used to work I graduated from Ontario drove all the way out to newfinland first job I could find
I was like I'm going to get some experience and I did that and I worked in a rural setting and I was in and out of town quite a lot and then I came out
to Alberta well first Ontario couldn't find a job came out to Alberta I'll just get a job on the rigs but no matter what
I couldn't get my license transferred it was this huge pain in the ass I ended up getting into personal training just to
fill the time because it's an industry I already knew and I was fascinated by it fell in love very little desire to go
back to paramedics and then we here so it was very much a happy accident wonderful wonderful well what is so
important about our gut health I mean it's a huge topic but is there anything I'm sure you have the conversation with
lots of different people introducing the idea that gut health is very important I
think a lot of people recognize that what you eat is very important and what you what you eat what you don't eat is
important but when it comes to like the the science and the research now around like gut health the microbiome Etc we
need to be spending a little bit more attention on it in regards to more than just thinking about what we might eat
yeah absolutely and I think the term gut health is really getting mainstream which is great I love that the problem
with mainstream is as things kind of disseminate down from the lead researchers to the masses via
influencers or marketing campaigns whatever it is the truth really gets it's like a game of telephone right like
I want a new hammock turns into grandma bought another banana-shaped sandwich and it just none of it makes sense by
the time it gets down and so to really understand gut health yes we know it's important but the question is why and
you talk about the word microbiome for the listeners who may not be familiar the microbiome is this community of gut
bacteria living inside of our bodies now we have microbiomes everywhere you have them on your skin in your nose in your
hair you have them in all your organs and intestines women actually have their own microbiome vaginally we have them in
men will have it in their groin area on their feet like every there's a microbiome everywhere they're all little neighborhoods and the microbiome inside
of our gut I often say is more important than our very DNA this is simply for a
couple things number one your gut bacteria outnumber your body body's own cells by 10 to one you have 10 times
more gut bacterial cells than you do your own cells the human genome our
entire genes 23,000 of them for the whole Human Genome we have three million different genes inside of our gut
bacteria and so it's just so astronomical you look at this the size of them I mean your DNA could fit into
your baked toe the rest of your body would be bacteria and so we start looking at how they interact with every
aspect of life they interact with your genetics with your DNA with your mind with your nutrition with what diseases
you will or will not get we know in fact that our gut bacteria and our gut health is connected to
93% of the leading causes of death in the United States we're talking heart disease cancers Strokes respiratory
issues diabetes Alzheimer's kidney and liver disease Parkinson's like you name it high blood pressure it can all come
back to the gut and so we talk about gut health it's not so much well am I bloated am I gassy do I have um
irregular bowel movements am I really smelly when I pass gas those are things that are symptoms of what's going on
under the surface of 100 trillion different bacteria all creating these
symptoms and that is really the importance of it and why we need to be I'd say develop a reverence for it it's
a predictor of disease and it's it's unbelievable what it really does for our bodies yeah the current research is I
mean it's I say it's probably um in the last 10 years some really amazing stuff is definitely coming out a lot of
researchers now recognizing the importance of of the microbiome of our gut health but also linking that to our
brain health and our immune health and all these other parts of our system which are thoroughly Guided by the
health or ill health of of of our our microbiome and I got and yeah the numbers are astronomical it's wonderful
especially when you take it into context of Gene content we're significantly more
microorganism than we are human so I always think like who's actually in
charge within the human body you know some of the thoughts that we might think you know is that is that coming from me
or is that coming from all these other microorganisms that have a significant say especially when it comes to our
brain health and wonder if you could touch on the importance of our gut health connecting with our brain and
kind of that vagus nerve connection I'm sure a lot of people maybe have heard about but maybe we can get some some clarification on that yeah totally and
it's interesting you talk about you know the the the role of these little things having a say um I'd love to actually
give a little anecdotal story if I could just to really Hammer that point home are you familiar with a parasite called
toxoplasmosis or parasite infection I am person there yeah oh good you I know
you're very well educated in this subject um so for our listeners you may have heard your doctor tell you know if
you or your wife or you know if you've been pregnant tell you not to change kitty litter right because of this toxoplasmosis it's a Toxoplasma gondi is
this parasite infection but this little thing right this is the power of small things it is so obscenely powerful what
it will do everything has a prime directive in life we all want to survive right pass on our genes these little
Toxoplasma bacteria will infect things to get in the belly of a cat because
that's where it can live its best life it can grow and whatever cat doesn't care if it's a house cat or a mountain lion it's any cat and so what these
Toxoplasma do is they rewire the entire person of a living organism they'll actually get into mice for example now
mice by genetics are afraid of cats they run even a baby mouse who's never seen a cat will run or if they smell cat urine
they go the other way it's hardwired into their brain but this individual organism this little parasite will
rewire that Mouse's brain one to burn out the fear Center it burns out the dendrit so it's no longer afraid of cats
but it also rewires the brain so that when it smells cat urine instead of running it actually stimulates a sexual
arousal resp response so it now seeks out cats therefore this Toxoplasma has
rewired and completely overridden the survival instincts of a fully living organism in order to be eaten to end up
in the belly of a cat and that's the power of one small thing and we look at having a 100 trillion bacteria it's like
what do they do for us or work against us and so we're talking about the role of that Vegas nerve right it's one of
the main cranial nerves from the brain and it comes down inates with all your major organs your heart your lungs your
your intestines and all that stuff and that vagus nerve is a large in large
part responsible for really the effects we get from this fight andlight response if you're really stressed or you're
anxious or you're really depressed or whatever it is you're in this fight andlight response we're not digesting very well we're not producing digestive
enzymes or stomach acid we're not taking nutrients in and so we're going to get this feedback signal from it that's
going to create this inhibition of digestion which can lead to what we call bacterial disbiosis or an imbalance and
got bacteria on the other hand if we do work to stimulate that veg nerve I'm sure you're familiar with cold water
plunges and humming or singing and um you know ohms and all those things that can stimulate that vagus nerve breath
work that can relax that signal it's bidirectional between your gut in your brain in fact in utero your gut and your
brain are made from the same tissue right as a fetus being being developed and so there's this B directional
relationship they communicate back and forth and we talk about your gut and your brain health
things that come through the gut of course go into your bloodstream your lymphatic system circulating all around getting directly to the brain many
Crossing this Blood brain barrier that can cause issues there as well but then we take it one step further we can see
how if you're inflamed in the gut for example we talk about gut reactions or gut instincts you have you know billions
and billions of neurons in the brain and hundreds of millions inside your gut well picture trying to walk on a
sprained ankle right it's inhibited it's slow you have to limp and kind kind of hobble along well the same thing if you
have gut issues you want to talk about brain health or even instinctive reaction your gut instinct that
connection to go from your gut to your brain is now limping along it's slower which can actually inhibit your
subconscious or this fight ORF flight mechanisms or these sort of gut feelings we get that protect ourselves that
protect animals in the wild and we can actually lose that the things that we use on a day-to-day basis it's really
quite fascinating yeah would it be like a a bacteria a virus parasites all of
these very small organisms have got this incredible ability to interact positive positively with our body and also have a
very negative effect as well so it's very important that we are keeping an eye on the symptomology that I suppose
we're experiencing that can usually be led to like to towards your gut health and there's various testing you can get
done I'm not quite sure if the testing that you can get done in a conventional setting is going to give you enough
information to be able to um really give you a good course of action maybe you could speak to that in regards like
what's the best sort of I know you can do you know use company like viome for example to you know you send off a stool
stool sample and they'll give you a breakdown of that sample of the predominant bacteria that you have and
viruses Etc and ones that you maybe want to look to um improve on what you what
would you recommend to people who feel that maybe it's their gut health it might be their microb I think everyone
should get their microbin tested anyway regardless but somebody who's maybe been dealing with um diarrhea constipation
you like a mix of that for a long period of time gas bloating and they can't really put their finger on it and
they've probably tried fasting different diets this this and this to try and alleviate those symptoms but they can't
quite can't quite figure it out where would you lead them in regards to getting some tests done and being able
to see those results because I think seeing those results from a test really gives people the um that that data that
knowledge that they can actually tangibly see and then go ahead in action yeah great question so getting
the microbiome tested I love that I'm a big fan you're clearly very knowledgeable about this stuff because
very few people even know you can test your microbiome and it really is controversial if we look at it we have
thousands of different species on top of that thousands of different strains we have 20 million give or take different
types of gut bacteria inside of our body multiply it out to make 100 trillion so even if we 20 million different
varieties we can realistically test on the best microbiome or GI maps about a
100 so it really is a grain of sand on a beach but the reality is these are very actionable things many we can you know
work on building or bringing down if they're too high and elevated causing problems so all that's really useful um
there are a lot of ones out there that a lot of doctors quite like some use something like doctor's data or viome I
don't actually like those ones myself for me as a clinician in practice I
don't like so much the qualitative data where it says yes this species is detected green right green light or red
light what I want to see is qualitative quantitative data so I can
actually see the numbers and the ratios and see what's in there and out of in and out of balance and that really helps
me fix people's guts I me I use it to fix gut diseases previously thought to be impossible like Crohn's and Colitis
there's nothing we can do take these drugs and we'll cut out your colon one day but we're actually reversing and putting these people into full remission
and so that's using this little grain of sand on the beach so it's very very actionable and so I use things like
vibrant Wellness diagnostic Solutions where they do have that that quantitative number I can actually see
the bacterial cultures in counts and so that's really important to me and we look at this as well we connect it back
to things like mental health you know we always come back to the brain we can actually see on some of these really
high quality Maps like a gut Zoomer 3.0 these are the nice new ones they have where they can test all the different
strains and species we know certain bacteria produce certain byproducts so you and I eat Simon we poop your
bacteria eat what you eat and they also poop that's what gas is if you pass gas you're just passing a fart bubble made
of billions and billions of little bacteria farts and then that exits and that's what that's from and so all those
byproducts our brain our body use they produce fatty acids which are great for the immune system they have
anti-inflammatory properties antioxidants anti-aging all kinds of great stuff your bacteria even produce
vitamins they help balance hormones detoxify junk and all kinds of great stuff
but we can see certain bacterial cultures that we know produce things like serotonin and that we need that in
our brain 90% of those neurotransmitters like serotonin are made in your gut if there's gut dysfunction you're likely
going to have some kind of anxiety depression cognitive issue Focus ADHD something going on where you're not able
to focus because you're lacking the basic building blocks from your bacteria right we always peel back the layers why
why why you have anxiety your doctor goes okay here's a drug you have anxiety and you see a functional specialist we
go okay why are you anxious what makes you anxious when did this start and we can connect it back to something else in the body they're all symptoms and so
that to me is very important recognizing the importance of specific strains that we do know today we have it's exciting
because we have an entire Beach left to study I'm really looking forward to the next 50 years of science yeah it's
amazing what we can we do have available to now and I I would love to I don't have a lot of faith in healthcare to be
honest but I love it for maybe like the next 10 15 years is that would be a very standard test you'd be able to go and do
with your doctor and and be able to have a a diagnosis and then a a treatment
plan going forward that would be a little bit more opposite towards just pharmaceutical drugs and antibiotics
just wiping out the terrain rather than thinking about the importance of the terrain and working working working with
it so yeah I'd love to think that in the future maybe in the private sector in America is probably more likely that
something like that would happen but without question when you see incredible studies of people doing fecal
transplants and reversing chronic diseases that that have absolutely no um
conventional treatment plan and you see the reversing of that type of thing I put out a Blog a couple of weeks ago
about some research showing that these researchers I think it was in Italy but they basically put the they
took they did a feal transplant from adult humans with Alzheimer's and put those transplants
into healthy Young rats and within a couple of weeks those rats developed
Alzheimer's like dendrites are breaking down they couldn't do the same memory um games that they did before very
interesting stuff in regards to how your gut health will correlate and work with
with your brain and you would think that you know because we are kind of taught with this conventional setup that we
have our gut health is down here and you go and see a you know a gut specialist your brain is up here it's completely
separate it's got nothing to do do with your gut so you go and see a neurologist and the same with every other separate
part of your body you know we have that kind of reductionist idea wrapped around um Healthcare and Diagnostics but you
know if you work with a holistic practitioner like yourself where you have to take all those things into consideration you know if somebody's
stressed they've got anxiety they've got mood problems you're going to start talking about the gut immediately I
would assume instantly I mean it's it's at the root cause of most things I think you'd be extremely hard pressed to find
anybody who has any kind of autoimmune condition or mental health disorder or anything of the sorts who doesn't have a
gut issue linked in there somewhere you talk about this very reductionist method
of you know looking at health and health care it's all separated that's the problem we see is everybody is looking
at you know one thing it's one section as if they don't talk to each other but we know every aspect of your body talks
to itself and the most communicative of them all is in fact your gut it talks to every aspect of every cell of every
fiber of your being you are literally and you say we are what you eat but you are what you digest and absorb and
that's a huge part of that is just making sure you're digesting and absorbing all the good bits and so you
know we look at healthc care as a whole individualization is important moving past symptom management is very
important because we do exactly that we take people in and we go and this is Western medicine right we'll look at
them and go here are your symptoms therefore here's your diagnosis therefore here's the drug unfortunately
you have people who sit in these gray areas you go well you have these symptoms but you don't really have anxiety you don't really have Colitis
you don't really have this condition therefore we can't help you but here's an anti-depressant you could try this antibiotic and it makes people sicker
and sicker because we're not fitting into the box and it's it's cookbook medicine right Dr Bill Ral said that to
me he says it's cookbook medicine and doctors aren't critically thinking they're not taught to critically think they're taught to follow protocols and
it's a very very dangerous place to be for the Health Care system when it comes to any aspect of our
health I've I've always been fascinated with the like ento Immunology study like
the link between the immune system and the gut and I think we hear numbers of like you know 70% of our immune system
sits within our gut and we have that big autoimmune connection as well can you
talk to us a little bit about that like the the the effects of let's say a poor microbiome within the gut and its
effects on the immune system yeah absolutely and it's it's interesting you say the 70% that's the number I've
actually learned when I was going through school and I've seen it a lot and you get other doctors like Functional Medicine Specialists like Dr
Amy Myers who even say upwards of 90% And I think that's a very fair bit now
we look at your immune cells right your body has all kinds of different cells targeted to do different things but your
gut bacteria influence the development and the maturation of your immune cells so t- cells and B cells and macroasia
dritic cells all these things and their housed in something called the Gul that's your gut Associated lymphoid
tissue we also have something in there called The Malt which is a mucosa Associated lymphoid tissue and your
lymphatic tissue is kind of like your blood where it's a super highway around the body and outside of your small
intestine it's one cell thick like less than a strand of hair one cell to go from your small intestine into your
bloodstream or your lymphatics in the large intestine it's only two cells and so we have this very very fine barrier
before things cycle around the entire body if you have inflammation I mean we talk about these immune cells being how
and matured like they live and grow and learn and get trained inside of your gut
but imagine living in a house that's always on fire right you'd have some you'd be pretty unstable you'd have some
issues and have some traumas coming out of that now imagine yourselves living in a gut that's always inflamed they're not
going to work properly they're not going to function properly they won't develop properly you have leaks in the gut we talk about leaky guts the leading cause
of almost all disease ever there's actually a paper by Dr lesio Fano who's
the guy who sort of coined leaky gut and discovered the role of zulin and how it creates leaky gut but it's paper is
called all diseases start in the leaky gut and the role of zulin mediated you know disease and so it's really
interesting when we look at these leaks in the gut inflammation spreads that one cell barrier apart and now instead of
micro molecules passing through the cell membrane like they should they pass in between the cells and they're macro
molecules which get into your blood your lymphatics your immune system goes well hey you shouldn't be here sends a bunch
of guys down a big red flag and says now we have a problem it puts a flag in the sand now every time you eat that chicken
or that cottage cheese or that broccoli that whatever it is you now have a gut response or an immune response of some
kind and now that laundry list of foods that you cannot eat grows bigger and bigger now suddenly you've got a little
bit of irritability maybe you got some anxiety now you got actual allergies that you're medicated for you have
seasonal allergies developing your immune system is taking a toll right it's like this glass of water in my hand
the more things we put in that glass the more taxed your immune system becomes it's only got so much room to deal with
junk you put in it once it overflows we have symptoms we have autoimmunity in all these conditions and so I see it
very commonly in practice I was just talking to someone at the gym today and we kind of went through I guess she's
dealing with gut issues I said okay here's what I suspect because we kind of got a quick history when you were you know 10 years old you had she ended up
breaking her jaw for example she had a bunch of teeth that were cracked and she got root canals by the time you were 12
you started getting uh skin issues well that root canal right directly connected because your mouth and your gut they're
the same thing and that root canal then led to infection in the body which led to the immune system which led to
infection that infection caused gut issues which led to leaky gut which leads to hormonal issues anxiety
depression skin issues irritability as time goes on you develop food sensitivities now your doctor gives you
medications for the anxiety for the this for the that and then you start developing more issues maybe it's uh
some kind of autoimmune condition maybe it's acne maybe it's lupus like there's so many things connected which you get
more medications for and that's effectively your guts role in the immune system you fill the glass of water with
things that come through and permeate through your gut or other things that can really contribute and the things
stack on top we always need to go back and find a history yeah the history is very important I mean I think that even
a lot of people who I know I was a practicing nutritionist a couple of years ago and I think some of the questions I would ask Raptor around
immunity and people's ability to you know are you sick a lot you you know you always sick as a kid for example and you
can even go back to you know how long were you breastfed for how were you born vaginally were did you have a C-section
you know like really fascinating um conversations that we we're not taught about really in we're not talk about in
school we not people aware of the fact that you know we obviously are are birthed out of a vaginal Canal that has
a very deliberate microbiome that we are supposed to be like you know smothered with it gets into our honor our body in
our body and if we're not um you know obviously some C-sections are very very necessary but in some many countries
like in Scandinavia they do I think it's called vaginal seeding where they would take there' be a specialist nurse there
who would you know um swab the area of the of the mother and then that would be the first bacterial exposure to that
baby would be from that very that deliberate area that um changes during
that during that birth to you know Start begin the inoculation of that baby and to priming
that immune system to work and so many re so many researchers and so many um
papers show that many many children who are delivered by cesarian section have a
microbiome more similar to the walls in that hospital right rather than the
mother's vaginal Canal which a lot of people should be aware of that should be a really cool fascinating scary fact
because we're not dealing with that every day when thousands of kids are born every single day we're not taking
that into consideration and that sets up your child to even to be able to um deal
with the the the micro microorganisms around around them and there's bacteria
and viruses are going to be connected with or it's it's not and we see a ridiculous amount of autoimmune diseases
and allergies at the moment I mean there's so many things that we could talk about when it comes to that but if your immune system is not let's just say
proper you're going to struggle with the interaction with many things as you grow
up yeah it's it's got to be Prime from the beginning you know I I look at the microbiomes again not just the gut but
the skin the eyes the mouth all of it it's it's exceeding a meadow right a brand new Meadow some seeds will blow in
you get grass starts to grow and little bugs and insects come in and smaller animals come in until big vegetation
grows but if you hit it right there as it's just trying to grow with any kind of issues antibiotics whatever it is it
may never grow back properly again it might always be inhibited but if that Meadow is allowed to grow and to flourish and big animals come in and
trees start to grow and 40 years later you have this Amazon rainforest it's a very thriving ecosystem that can handle
Catching Fire it can handle death here and there and it's very very interesting when we look at that you talk about
birth I mean absolutely birth and breastfeeding coming through the vaginal canal and being breastfed right away
it's it's quite dramatic what we're seeing I mean the stats are showing back in 1990 C-section rates were just 7%
they're predicted to be 30% by 2030 and you know there's a lot of reasons for that the doctors kind of push it doctors
try to push early delivery or induced delivery especially around the holidays they can get home for Christmas um we
look at breastfeeding rates you know going up dramatically as well or uh breastfeeding rates going down and bottle feeding going up we know that
infants who are strictly bottle fed and not breastfed at all are twice as likely
to die from SIDS babies who are not born uh regularly who are born through C-section they develop things more
commonly like respiratory and neurological disorders like autism spectrum schizophrenia immune disorders
asthma um skin issues juvenile arthritis celiac disease type 1 diabetes even
obesity and then on the other side this just kind of goes to show the further we move away from you know nature there of
course a lot of women who just can't breastfeed it's a medical reason or something else but many just choose not to but for infants not being breastfed
is actually associated with increased incidence of infectious morbidity elevated risk of childhood obesity type
1 and two diabetes leukemia and like we mentioned SIDS and for mothers a failure
to breastfeed is associated with an increased incidence of premenopausal breast cancer we also see ovarian cancer
retained gestational weight or the weight that mothers will retain after giving birth type two diabetes heart
attacks all kinds of issues from not breastfeeding and so when we look at these connections between how things are
are really we'll say supposed to go in nature a often times what they do in we'll say indigenous cultures where
they're living off the land walking barefoot giving birth in their homes they don't know what these diseases are
they don't have obesity they don't have diabetes they don't have these mental health conditions unless you know
someone got hit in the axe with a head during a village raid when they were little so it's very very different world
and these diseases we have they're definitely North American issues yeah I mean you mentioned what
30% cesarian right I mean how much of that 30% is is necessary maybe it's one
two three four five percent and it's a real big shame and I I I don't know who's to blame but that you've got to
put the finger on like education systems and health systems and and the government not making people aware
because I think if people were aware of what we're talking about right now cesarian would only be you know an
emergency last minute choice for most people I'm I'm guessing and obviously
there are people who can't breastfeed as well and we have a lot of sympathy and empathy for that but it's kind of the
way it's supposed to be and you can look at the ingredients between a formula and the breast breast milk it's it's it's
not even comparable especially when it comes to those like antibodies coming through the mother and the mother's
breast milk is changing every day depending on the child's needs it's it's a phenomenal I've got two kids and it's
a phenomenal experience and you know especially for for the mother in regards to their connection with the child and
what that does for them as an individual as a mother rather than just you know thinking of the baby you know it's a very very let's just say family holistic
thing that needs to be taken into consideration but um I want to talk about things that re really wreak havoc
on our gut health really the more the more common things that most like North Americans are consuming or even doing or
not doing um that are that's really you know putting their body under strain by
damaging the microbiome yeah that's an amazing question because when we dive into you
know how do we get it better like you mentioned we want talk about at the end we need to understand what we're doing that's hurting it because we can't fix
it until we stop harming it and so we why don't we start at Birth we already talk well because definitely a lot of
people don't have kids and no one listening is actually a baby so a lot of this may not be relevant to you yet but
I want to talk about some things from birth and as we work our way up in age so we talked about C-sections and
breastfeeding the Red Cross did a study back in 2004 was actually quoted in a
publishing by the environmental working group in 2005 I believe but they took a bunch of freshly cut umbilical cords
they found more than 287 different chemicals pollutants pesticides and consumer products with
like waste from burning coal and cigarettes and garbage inside these brand new babies like oil stainings and
repellents and 180 chemicals are known to cause cancer 217 were toxic to the
brain and nervous system 208 were known to cause birth defects at Le at least in animal studies and so on top of
C-sections bottle fed we're dealt with a bad hand that's number one number two looking at the food we consume now a lot
of our Imports this a big problem it's not the foods themselves so much and I often get asked what about diet is it
carnivore is it vegan is it somewhere in the middle is it plant-based is it animal based that aside we have to look
at our food production you know the way that our country handles food is one of the worst in the world I mean most
American foods there's banned in 30 different countries looking at Meats the way they're washed in chlorine or the
the RGB the recumbant Bine growth hormone they give to cattle known to cause bone breakages and Cancers and DNA
mutation and all kinds of issues in humans even that were feeding people we know since 1990 and these are numbers
I'm pulling because I recently did a lecture on this exact thing but in 1990 pesticide usage is now gone up in these
last 30 years two to four times and the variety of different types of pesticides we consume is like 19 times more
and it's over 17,000 different types of pesticides used in the United States now
what do pesticides do well they kill living organisms what are bacteria living organisms and then we go through
and we sanitize our hands we're using hand cleaner and sanitizing everything and we're just not getting exposed to
germs so we're not introducing New Life to that Meadow new animals new bugs new things to make this rainforest it's
quite sterile and so people don't have that variety that microbial diversity to
have a proper ecosystem which gives them that immune system and that resilience against fires and floods and all that
stuff and so we start looking at other things okay so our food's poisoned we know that our water's poison we know
that um I developed orthorexia going back to school where I was like afraid to eat anything um but looking at the
basics the things we can control right sometimes it's hard to grow your own food especially here in you know Canada
could be very cold out unless you have indoor gardens most of us don't but consider how much food we eat I use us
stats because US and Canada are very similar but the average American consumes over 100 pounds of sugar every
single day it's 126 gram daily it's 100 pounds a year in Sugar which it's it's
wild we wonder why the Obesity is on the rise or diabetes is on the rise and fatty liver disease because not only is
it just sugar but it's corn syrup high fructose corn syrup corn syrup solids and different types of corn sugars and
artificial sugars uh fast food $750 billion do a year fast food alcohol
smoking antibiotic usage I I just saw a client who came in to see me the other day like we talked about she's in that
gray area she doesn't have a diagnosis of colitis but her doctor thought she did did the colonoscopy it didn't fit
they said well there's nothing we can do well her doctors in the last three years she's had recurrent UTI they couldn't
figure out why in the last three years she's had over 30 runs of antibiotics which have just destroyed her gut and
antibiotic usage is up 40 plus per in the last 25 years medication is trillions of dollars a year Healthcare
in America is $4.5 trillion doar a year and we celebrate going well people are
surviving longer with cancer great but we're also seeing way more cancer rates we're seeing people dying at younger
ages despite spending the most on Healthcare in the world the death rate is actually declining people are getting younger as they die people are getting
sicker 60 plus per of all Americans over the age I think it's 50 or 60 are on two
or more prescription medications and so the things we're doing I think the better question is what aren't we doing
we're not educating ourselves we're not becoming aware we're not you know getting in with local farmers and
actually eating Whole Foods the things we eat come from the center aisles that are packaged processed Frozen in a box
we're not shopping the perimeter of the store and so we we've just disconnected ourselves so much away from food and
nutrition it's actually become detrimental and Wendel Berry actually has a quote says people are fed by the
food industry which pays no attention to health and are treated by the health industry which pays no attention to food
and that just summarizes basically everything I could ever give as a message in the rest of my career yeah
for sure I think yeah I mean there's certain things that we can't avoid depending on like where you live in regards to you know Agriculture and
pesticides and things like that I always think of it like what can you be doing every single day to putting your body in
the best possible position to ward off these things and deal with these things you're talking you spoke earlier about
the Red Cross study and the umbilical cords you know for me I listen to that and I'm like H isn't it amazing that
babies can actually survive and come out and Thrive considering that that's how
incredible the human body is so every single day what can you be doing what can you be consuming and avoiding to
help your body become what what it's supposed to do is this super organism to make you feel awesome and ward off these
things because you know if people have these lists of things that they
shouldn't do that can get it can get too much and it can end up being a negative thing and if they consume one chicken
nugget or a burger or something they would throw the whole program out of the window so yeah it's it's it's a tricky thing to do because a lot of these
things are around around us all of the time and when we're talking about pesticides herbicides fungicides all
these things we can't see them so we don't put as much attention on them as we probably should just like our
microbiome which you don't really see but we certainly feel it and we can um experience the symptoms of of of a
disbiosis state if we're kind of aware and we have that a little bit more of a Mind Body Connection and you know
throwing in something like meditation into that and breathing um yeah one of my favorite books the epidemic of
absence is talking all about we have this epidemic of the fact that we we
don't have these bacteria in us on us and and around us I mean it's beautiful
this book book is amazing I'll put a link into it it's such a good book I probably need to read reread it again but talking all about the fact that we
do have this horrifically um horrific idea of hygiene
over cleaning cute dog by the way thank you those listening J got cute dog with him my little wiener dog Bruce he keeps
me company nice that's nice um yeah if we are um not um aware of the the fact
that these hand sanitizers which are everywhere in these soaps and this clinking clean clean clean with you know
we used to play in the dirt and eat dirt and you know be out there you know my kids spend most of the summer here in BC
naked out in the garden you know but it's it's kind of like the way it's supposed to be like
the bacterior in the soil in the in the leaves in the garden even in the air it's supposed to be affecting us and I
can't stand the fact that even in playgrounds now there's anti sanitizer things everywhere and we're pushing this
message which is completely the wrong message I mean you can be safe you can wash your hands after certain activities
to um take care of your own health for sure but there's a point and we have a very very sick culture and what we're
doing at the moment isn't really working and also one more thing I wanted to say on your really great point there about
um the sugar consumption that you were talking about and the Obesity there's
another really great book called The Big Fat Surprise which is you know kind of debunking all of that nonsense research
that like know fat good quality fatty foods and high protein diets is going to
you know cause high cholesterol levels and it's going to cause you to become fat when a lot of that research was
funded by the sugar industry and you just you can't you've got to be crazy
not to be able to step back and take a look at the world and look at the sugar and look at the state of us in regards
to our health it's very clearly there's one very big culprit right there and for
a lot of people who I've worked with they start cutting sugar out usually in the form of like beer or treats or chips
and things like that the fats is another trans fats is another conversation but just taking that out of the diet giving
your body a break from that highly inflammatory food and giving your microbiome the opportunity to settle and
to re regain its kind of like foundational um terrain gives your body
the best ability to make start making you feel awesome absolutely and you know mentioned earlier about getting tested
and that's a great one if we Circle back to those GI Maps you actually get your bacteria tested you can see what's high
what's low the hard part really is knowing what to do with it if you have a lot of overgrow it can be very very
dangerous so I did want to put a point of caution on those who want to get a GI map done some require practitioners to
like approve or like a a referral of some kind to the lab but there are some you can just get you take the box you
give the sample you send it to the lab it's it's a delight it's the only time you can send poop in the mail and it not be a felony so you know you get those
back but what do you do with it it's kind of like getting your own blood work done if you're not a doctor and so I do want to encourage you take caution
getting the GI map is great information but if you don't know what to do with it it can be in some cases fatal we have
seen people cause some very serious issues and we've seen death by people messing too much with their microbiomes um without supervision so that's my my
word of caution there no that's that's a very responsible thing to say absolutely I was going to leave a link for some of
those um companies that you're recommending there but with without question you really need to be working
with somebody to not only analyze the data but put a treatment plan in process and work with your own individuality to
be able to actually do that with the with with the best amount of caution is going to start help helping you out um I
want to talk to you a little bit about um just the idea of gut health gut disbiosis
consumption of lots of pharmaceuticals and how that infl inflammatory state
that so many people are experiencing damages the gut and damages the body's ability to actually take
nutrients from the food that they eat even though their food might be nutrient dense sorry nutrient poor um even though
that they may be supplementing you know you can have the best diet on the planet but if you've got a poor if you've got
poor gut health you're really going to struggle to be able to break that food down and pull the necessary nutrients
from it to be able to utilize them throughout the body can you talk to us a little bit about um gut disbiosis
and perhaps nutrient deficiency yeah and how they relate to
breaking down food and absorbing nutrients yeah absolutely and just like that connection that we see a lot of
people who do have you know poor gut health and they have this like they have
even this this look about them with the inability to like Thrive with like hair nails skin you can see those people are
just not don't have those essential nutrients from their food therefore their body literally is it can only it
can only build structure with the ingredients that that you're not only that you're giving it but they can
actually be absorbed you know you're not what you eat you're what you absorb yeah absolutely and you said it so well I
kind of answered your own question which is great I love that so when you have inflammation right you can't work
properly if you have an inflamed ankle that you sprain you can't walk properly it's a little bit uh you got a limp it's
a little bit slow same thing happens in your gut where you can't if you're inflamed you can't do your job properly
it can't absorb and package and repackage and ship the shipping receiving process is all bungled and
slowed down because it's inhibited when we look at the leaks themselves the inflammation I mean number one anytime
you're inflamed we'll even back it up further and say anytime you're under stress and I don't just mean psychological mental emotional stress
but any stressors sitting at work chewing your food even sleeping these
are technically forms of stressors I'd say sleeping is the low end spectrum of that stressor but they're all things
that require resources from the body to perform right they all require resources in the terms of calories vitamins
minerals whatever it may be and so everything we do that's what we call metabolism metabolism isn't weight gain
and weight loss it's any chemical process in the body used to maintain life so growing your hair your nails
breathing it's all metabolism and so your metabolism is in constant need of resources but when your gut is inflamed
and you're eating nutrient poor food for example fast food packaged Foods whatever is void of nutrients not only
is your inflammation requiring excess resources but you're now in the red but now you're consuming nutrient poor
resources and so you're spending much more than you're making and you're actually going into debt and what does
your body do when you're in debt what do you got to do you either got to work more work harder find a different job
which is different nutrients or you borrow money and so your body will start to borrow resources from your hair your
skin your nails the Disposable aspects of the body these bank accounts of nutrients it'll rob it from your organs
and this is where we see people with one gut issue and then years down the road this is why I can predict in many people
you'll tell me a couple of different instances of health and I'll walk through and I'll read your bloody mail here's where it started here's what
happened here's the skin issues within this amount of time give or take based on your diet you developed issue a b and
c and then it was XYZ and like this girl I was talking to at the gym this morning about her gut freaked her out she's like
that is all of my symptoms in nearly the exact order because it's a predictable breakdown process and when you can do
that and you can figure out how the body's broken down you can see where it's stealing nutrients from in what order it will steal from the least
important organs hair skin nails right it can survive without those it can't survive without a liver heart in a brain
but it can basically live without everything else right your liver heart and brain are the most important and so it will keep robbing these nutrients and
when you're inflamed not only are you absorbing less but all this inflammation is circulating through the body your
bacteria when they're overgrown produce something called endotoxins or LPS stands for lipopolysaccharide it's a big
I use big words you guys think I'm smart but these toxins produced by bacteria circulate around the body starting more
fires which you need more resources to put out and so now burning through even more resources and you're you're not
taking them in so you go even more you go f further and further into debt and people will start even getting like
weakness in their teeth sensitivity cavities because your body will rob minerals from your very teeth and so it
always has to come from somewhere we see this infertility issues women with gut issues who can't get pregnant or men who
sperm lacks motility or lack U quality and quantity it's because you don't have the nutrients to put out to these extra
things and if you do get successfully pregnant a you're going to get very very sick after the fact because your body
will your baby will steal those nutrients or B it may not carry to term we see a lot of miscarriage and so we
see mental health disorders and diabetes all these things in pregnancy or again post and so it's a very complicated
process but long and short you're in flame so you're not absorbing you're in flame so you're burning through resources and now you're in debt and
it's robbing from other places and that's sort of the breakdown process of how that goes yeah I mean so many
pathologies can come down to nutrient deficiency and whether that's because you have a nutrient poor diet or you
have a gut that just just doesn't have the ability to to AB to absorb those nutrients from food we see so many
psychological conditions here at true hope Canada in in regards in regards to nutrient deficiency and I'm just
thinking more and more about how the microbiome is significantly connected to that because most people nine nine out
of 10 people have have a have a disbiosis situation for one reason or another and our Flagship product here at
TR Canada is called empow plus it's a broads Spectrum micronutrient formula that specifically the minerals go
through a 4-day cation process where they're broken down so small that they can cross a blood brain barrier and even
if you do have poor digestion poor microbiome you've got your body's going to be able to absorb these nutrients
because they're in such bioavailable forms and we see quite remarkably quick recoveries in in people not full
recoveries but people start to feel a lot better A lot quicker because they are taking this one product that is
giving them all the essential nutrients that they that they're going to need to actually start filling that cup up more
where the body's not having to pull these build blocks as you say from from
hair cells from skin cells from the from organs but you're able to actually just you know take a three four caps a day
and get this and start feeling amazing very very quickly um yeah that nutrient
deficiency piece is I think absolutely huge for everyone around the world and'
be wonderful if you could just do a couple of simple tests and just say listen well there are technically there are but you figure out exactly what
which of these key nutrients you know they they're essential fatty acids of of course are essential proteins that we
need to be taking every single day from an external source and it's so vital
that I think for a lot of people who are struggling with their digestion struggling with their their um
microbiome Health that they're taking a product that they can rely on that is easily absorbed regardless of their
actual state in the moment whether they're super inflamed or not that inflamed so important yeah I think it's
important to note that as well is that the supplements really help and I know you know this cuz obviously you know you
being a practicing nutritionist or you've had that experience a lot of people often go well I can take the
supplement and then I'm fine you don't have to address the root cause well now you're just dealing with vitamin based
or plant-based medication taking herbs or taking vitamins that cover the root cause they won't fix bacterial dysbiosis
they won't fix leaky gut they'll just provide your body with things it can't absorb on its own taking care of some of
the other symptoms like skin issues mental health issues whatever it may be but they're not fixes I think this a
very dangerous road that you know as practitioners we can walk down as well I've seen naturopathic doctors even do this where people come in with gut
issues or gut disease and they give them $500 a month worth of supplements but
they still have the condition they've just given them now plant-based medication masking the symptoms with
toric instead of you know whatever other um gut medication they're being given
and so it's really unfortunate and I love that you have something so available at least it gives the body building blocks to start healing itself
now again you're putting you're hosing down the fire while at the same time you're pouring gasoline on it but at least you're giving it something to do
and it's not getting worse that's amazing that right there is such a huge part of health is replacing the basic
building blocks and letting your body reregulate itself so often will we try
to outsmart the body we'll try to go on a 7-Day Detox or do these cleanses and go right back to doing what we were
doing before that got us to the need for this detox or cleanse like eating junk food and and we can't outsmart the body
it has so many countless healing mechanisms and every time we do try to outsmart the body we screw with it or do
something to mess with nature we get worse inevitably every single time I mean just look at the the decline of
Health in in this in the United States or Canada in the last 70 years since the indoctrination of fast food fried food
packaged food seed oils sugars and fructose and all these kinds of things these high fructose corn syrups it is a
direct correlation in the uprise of disease as it is with the uprise of these foods and so we try to the body by
giving a medication for the diabetes rather than correcting the cause of the diabetes and so we're just getting
sicker and sicker but we're living longer but in that living longer we're not thriving we're just surviving and
we're surviving on medication and that is the that's a lifetime subscription model pharmaceutical companies love that
yeah absolutely yeah we good quality supplementation is without question a tool that needs to be used responsibly
working with a health practitioner working with somebody who knows what they're doing they can guide you through that and as you say as I say it's a tool
to be able to help you be able to do the other things we see so frequently a lot of people come in with mood disorders
and just taking this one product is gives them the ability to start thinking about moving their body cooking good
quality food for themselves um getting out into sunlight getting to bed earlier
making different choices it opens the door for a lot of people lifting that kind of veil of Darkness that can come
with physical pain emotional pain psychological pain so without question
yeah thank you for for saying that yeah it's absolutely an important tool to start beginning to help your body get
there but when we're talking about this holistic idea of you and your health there are many different aspects that we
need to take care of there's no one quick fix even when we're talking about like using natural Health Products so I
really appreciate that I want to um I want to finish up with talk clarifying the question that we we discussed at the
top of the show what one thing can we do right now to begin healing our gut so what have you
got for me easiest things in fact instead of just one I can bang out a quick list of like five really easy ones
number one stop shopping down the aisles eat the food on the perimeter that's easy it's your vegetables your fruits
your meats and animal products that's easy number two if it's not a food your great great grandmother would recognize
don't eat it if it's oat milk if it's a package don't eat it that's the best thing we can do that is meant to be
eaten um number three if you do buy foods like plants and you know any kind
of uh vegetable base check out the ewg that's the environmental working group they have two great lists the Clean 15
and the dirty dozen and the Clean 15 and the 15 safest Foods avocados and mangoes
and pineapples that have the least amount of pesticides The Dirty Dozen is the most amount of pesticides like every
year strawberries blueberries apples spinach that type of stuff is on there um so that's that's the next one you can
do because again the pesticides kill everything and they'll kill your gut bacteria as well number three chew so
many of us forget to just sit breathe and chew we do what's called dashboard dining we're running back and forth
you're shuttling five kids in the van go into soccer practice grab something on the go scarf it down like a pelican like
one Gulp and it just in it goes we don't chew our food but chewing puts you into rest and digest it gets you out of fight
ORF flight take a couple of breaths chew 20 30 times swallow and take time to eat
on top of that if you're having other issues you can always consider even a basic digestive enzyme you can pick
those up over the counter they're pretty cheap pop one of those with a meal it can help supplement the enzymes that
your body may not be making which will easily break down your food which can help you absorb these nutrients that you may not be absorbing with gut
inflammation those are the easiest things if you've got a diagnosed disease like Crohn's or alra of colitis that's a
whole different animal but these are the basics for people dealing with minor gut issues beautiful yeah a lot of people
can take even just one of those pieces to to start benefiting themselves right now and yeah with like colitis those
very serious conditions that you know if you if you're in a poor state right now
that could potentially be your future so it's important to like you can make those changes right now to avoid that
because the further along that road you go the trickier it is to get back I mean I think any any kind of recovery is
possible really but as you say it's going to make it a lot more tricky but Josh awesome can you let us know where
people can get a hold of you please where can the people contact you yeah of course so the easiest way to reach me is
through my podcast that's reversible the ultimate gut health podcast that's spelled reverseable the ultimate gut
health podcast we we meet there every single week we have an interview with some of the world's most famous
Specialists and doctors Steven gundry Lisa Bill U um Leo galland like you name it just some amazing amazing specialist
doctors and in famous personalities and of course if you have questions we do one live interview every single week and
then we also do a question period every single Tuesday we release a quick 10-minute episode where people can write
into the show and get answers to their questions uh and so we do that as well you can just head over to reverse ablp
pod.com and go through the links we got all kinds of free stuff we have free gut health programs on there that we've
written up for people very comprehensive with lifestyle and nutrition and all kinds so through that podcast
reverseable the ultimate gut health podcast is the easiest way to find information and get more help wonderful
Josh I really appreciate that I'll make sure all of that information is available in the show notes I'm going to put some of the books we've talked about
as well I'm going to get some links from you in regards to gut testing that we'll put up as well but that's amazing thank
you so much for coming on to the show and teaching us all about g health it's absolutely been a pleasure thank you so
much for having me Simon wonderful wonderful well that is it for this episode of True Hope cast the official
podcast of true hope Canada we will see you next week cheers