Guest Episode
February 06, 2025
Episode 172:
Understanding Transgenerational Trauma
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In this deeply moving episode, we welcome Maggie Parr, author of A Creator’s Guide to Stopping Self-Harm, who shares her extraordinary four-decade journey to healing from self-injury. Maggie offers a transformative perspective on overcoming self-harm through creativity, self-discovery, and psychological insight.
Her book, blending memoir with therapeutic tools, empowers individuals affected by self-harm and the professionals who guide them. Drawing from the wisdom of The Artist’s Way and the profound insights of The Body Keeps the Score, Maggie’s work provides a roadmap for healing—one that encourages personal transformation through the healing power of creative expression.
Tune in for an inspiring conversation about how creativity can not only save lives but also serve as a powerful tool for recovery and self-empowerment.
A Creator's Guide to Stopping Self-Harm
Your Brain on Art
The Body Keeps the Score
Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind
it's not just about soothing the W it's about that's where we need to go next to find ourselves and our become our truest
self so it's almost like um the wound holds the answer that's where we need to go to get what we don't even realize
we're looking for I mean that work had not only healed me but brought me to my truest self it gave me a purpose in life
um I'm fully alive so and I wouldn't have been able to be this person if it weren't for that wound and then the
healing from that wound [Music]
hello everybody and welcome to True Hope cast the official podcast of true hope Canada where we take a deep dive into
mental Health's many physiological and psychological aspects this is the show for you if you're looking for motivation
inspiration knowledge and solutions and that's what we are all about here at true hope Canada and true hope Canada is
a mind and body based supplement company dedicated first and foremost to promoting brain and body Health through
noninvasive nutritional means for more information about us you can visit trop canada.com today on the podcast I
welcome Maggie par now Maggie's four decade journey to Healing from self harm has led her to write a book called A
Creator's guide to stopping self harm a profound approach to overcoming self injury through creativity and
self-discovery a unique blend of personal Memoir psychological insight and creative therapy this book is
designed to provide a transformational manual for healing today on the show we're going to be discussing a Creator's
guide to stopping self harm enjoy the show okay Maggie welcome to True Hope
cast how are you what is going well uh I'm doing great I'm loving life here in
Northern California well I guess you would do yeah in Northern California that's for
sure and yeah we were just talking about the the tragedies of the a lot a lot of people you probably know and you used to
live in LA as well and how um just before we even start like our thoughts go out to all those individuals who are
struggling at the moment it's a it's a crazy wild world that we live in yes I
agree yeah well we've um we had a little break on the show a good month we usually have a show out every week so we
had a nice big break and I should be nice and prepared but I've been rushing around this morning but that's all good
i' got some coffee on the go Maggie is our first guest of the new year which I'm very very excited about and we're
going to be discussing a Creator's guide to stopping self harm and it's a big
part of what we want to do on the show is to is to have conversations about topics that are potentially
uncomfortable for a lot of people but they are absolutely vital they are essential to be had and then that's kind
of what we're all about here on the show is to provide some sort of support service motivation inspiration knowledge
to people um so that they can help influence their lives and and the people around them but before we jump into this
topic would you mind just giving a little bit of a brief introduction about who you are and what it is that you do
absolutely thank you Simon for having me on the show and welcome back to your podcast for the year I am an artist and
an author I have done a lot of work designing theme parks and kids stuff and
very cheerful things and I also do my own expressionist artwork which I have used throughout my life to heal from a
traumatic childhood and the behaviors I developed to deal with that childhood specifically self Haring behaviors and I
finally decided this last year to to write the book um which I'll talk with you about today but creativity using
creativity to heal from trauma is now my new Mission amazing well do do you have a
copy of the book you can show us I was going to pull it up but yes well I have it on my
hand nice titled A Creator's guide to stopping self harm and that's one of my paintings on the front
beautiful well why don't you just jump in tell us a little bit about the book um why' you write it and and who's it
targeted towards it is obviously targeted towards people who are struggling with self
Haring cutting burning themselves uh but it's also reaching a lot of people who know others who um who have that issue
in fact people like people who have children grandchildren are talking to me about it people who used to do it and
now understanding more why that was and I did it since I was four years old and
I 57 now and I didn't stop until my mid 40s I went off and on I I really had a
hard time with stopping it would come up whenever and I was under stress and I learned everything I could but it wasn't
until and I I did a lot of therapy I recommend anyone who who deals with this issue to go to therapy but it wasn't
until I started applying my artwork and creativity to solving this that I was
able to find the breakthroughs in therapy and also in my creative process
so um I decided to write the book about it and help other people with this to
teach them what I've learned and to write the book that I wanted and could never find which was a prescriptive
self-help by someone who actually recovered not a clinician who was
telling us stories about their patients not a harrowing Memoir from someone's
point of view where i' had to read all about the details of their cutting but someone who was really offering hope to
others which was I wanted to do I think that brings so much value because I
we've spoken to so many amazing practitioners and doctors on the show and they've come to where they are now
on their what they perceive to be their proper life's journey because they've gone through something traumatic and um
did very very difficult for them they've had to work through it and completely Chang perceptions on things and now
they're basically just going through like attempting to support people to not go through what they went through and
without question whether it's a whether it's a book or or or a podcast or even I guess a true story in a movie there's so
much value in that human connectivity that you have of you're actually telling the story and you are
literally bleeding out that truth um excuse my wording though in
regards to the yeah yeah for sure um I got a question in regards to because when I so
I I've not never experienced self harm personally to myself um I think I recall
a maybe maybe um somebody in my school of a thousand people um going through
that um but when I think of it I think of adolescent teens primarily girls but
when you just said you started at four years old um I've got to ask about that like I've got to ask like you've
obviously been through therapy you've had clinical um sessions and know I
think we there's a lot of re there's a lot of um understanding in literature in regards to why adolescent teens in that
incredibly difficult time of of Life go through something we've seen it with
like self harm and cutting we've seen it with anorexia and we see it in and actually like clusters and groups of
adolescent girls doing it kind of like together and we're kind of seeing it a little bit now in regards to like
identity we can get into that a little bit later but I want to talk about like the the four year- old in you that was
experiencing self harm and how you've obviously had gone through a lot of therapy to go back to that place to try
and I don't know work through that inner child work can you kind of take us back there and and explain a little bit more
back to four you brought up a lot of things and I and I but I want to start with that question why for what was
happening um I I was being abused not everyone who cuts and burns was sexually
abused but I was and that's probably why I started so early and it was a way to try to get
someone to see what was going on I showed uh I scraped myself with a safety pin and and um I showed my mom and
wanted to get help but she was you know this she was not able to she was with an abusive man and didn't feel empowered to
do whatever she needed to do to save me and so it became my voice on the skin a way to say something's happening
paradoxically though it was also soothing so I hid it so that I wouldn't
be so that it could be my own thing so although it was a way to try to get attention it was also a very private
secret thing that was soothing to me um it intensified when I was 12 and I and I
started getting more serious about it switched to razor blades got into therapy at 14 and that started the cycle
of going back and forth trying to understand trying to stop when I went to therapy at 14 this was 19
1981 and people didn't know much about it uh PTSD had only just been entered
into the DSM thanks to um veterans and the clinicians who were working with
them so not much was out there um and I I got some success midlife but
then it came back in my 40s and then there was really nothing out there for people in their 40s again this this
stereotype of the female teenager being the the main person who cuts himself is
still persists and what I found when I relapsed again in my 40s is that I
online this was now the beginning of the online communities and people were talking about grandmothers ashamed of
still doing it men were talking about it and now when I was researching this book and writing it last year I have found
that just in what has been self-reported like National mental health um stat
statistics 17% of teenagers have self hared but 5 to 6% of adults and almost
2% of kids but younger than teenagers and I applied those statistics to
current populations just in the US which is where I live and came up with roughly 14 million people and I was shocked at
how many that was it 35% of them self-reported are men and most people believe it's more than that so probably
about half men so we really don't understand the depth and breadth of this
issue among the populations and it's it's happening in other countries as well so if there are 14 million in the
US I imagine there are more in other countries so I realize there is a need
to talk about this more when you talk about soothing can
you explain that a little bit more like do we do we have an understanding of like what's the biochemical nature of
why that might be a um why why that's why that's there
I'm not sure exactly of the biochemical nature I just know that it's a commonality among anyone who's
reported self-reported why they self harm is that it is and it's pretty much
accepted with clinicians as well that it it is soothing for some reason for me
and I don't want to get graphic or triggering for people but for me the the act that
feeling of um cutting in the aftermath for some reason releas least chemicals
adrenaline something that calmed me it was like it was like Ridin um and I made I felt helped me
feel like I was in control of the overwhelming feelings and I had a voice and a way to vent them um and then the
after care was always really important which I found is very common nurturing the wound Band-Aids um letting it heal
so it was like a a strange sort of reenactment of abuse and then nurtur Ing and healing
it interesting yeah and in your experience Looking Back Now over over
the over the years have you been able to maybe come to some sort of understanding
or conclusion why it is that you it's a difficult one to kind of word
but I'm just thinking of a there's like you could you could be a 20 a 20y old and then a foury old very very different
psychologically when it comes to like development and I would understand um
the the practice of a of a four-year-old doing something like that as a self-protective mechanism that's
not really in the conscious control of that small child and obviously I think
when you use the word now when you using the word like abused at four years old
and then and then leading down a road of self harm it makes me connected to
Teenagers Who may not be physically abused when they're you know going through puberty
and going through school and going through high school and going through the the fashion and all that like
difficult difficult things like going from a 12y old to a 14y old it's challenging for everybody but it's
without question like you being you're being abused kind of like socially or psychologically or physically in many in
many cases so it just goes to show like what what's the what's the body doing
what's this response what's this reaction happening where people are you know um physically hurting themselves
opening themselves up um it's a very interesting foral I've never I've never looked into the um into the research on
it and as you say like maybe a lot of it is still incredibly misunderstood what's the what's the kind
of the current treatment plan I mean you you when you first went to I think you
were 14 or 12 when you said you first went to therapy what what's the treatment plan then in like the in the
early mid mid 80s to now well there was no treatment I remember I my we had very
little money so we went to I went to a sliding scale local clinic and my PS psychologist at 14 she was she was a
counselor she wasn't a psychologist she told me later that she had to consult with her Superior because they'd never
heard of it this was in 1981 um it's obviously not the first time it had happened it's just there
nobody knew what to do about it the field of Psychology was still dealing with the impact that
childhood trauma affects us as adults so there was no treatment other than
talking and listening as time went on I was in psychoanalysis for um off and on
from my 20s to 40s and I with one person who I resonated with and it wasn't it
got me only so far and it wasn't until the field of psychology deepened and changed and
added new modalities as a result of lot of the societal and scientific discoveries so that trauma therapy
therapy became um an accepted H branch of humanistic
psychology so PE so when I went back to therapy when I started cutting it in my 40s I found a new therapist who was
trained in tra trauma therapy and specifically somatic experiencing and that really helped me grounding it in my
body because what had happened as a result of the trauma and and yes I agree that trauma can be childhood sexual
physical but also bullying as teenagers not fitting in subtle things like
not not to being validated not being recognized you know it's different for
everyone but the trauma therapy grounding into my body helped me get
past the specifics of what the trauma might have been or the memories and into healing where it lived which was in this
nonverbal place um there's a great article I read it's in the book called a voice on the skin talking about
this nonverbal way of speaking through self Haring and scarring the body and
that really helped me understand why the talk therapy wasn't getting through I needed sematic body work to really get
in touch with this part of me that it was L literally dissociated a part that was doing the self
Haring yeah from what I understand about sematic work we've had sematic practitioners on the show my wife's
actually one as well so I'm learning I'm learning a whole lot about that and what I know
about trauma kind of in the moment and PTSD and the response to something be B
psychological or um or physical is the body or the Mind especially
will change its focus heavily so you've obviously got the
sympathetic nervous system where your nervous system is engaging in a way that it's looking to fight or flee and it's
not in the present moment it focus is not really on the digestive system it's not really on the the future it's like
right now two minutes what are we going to do to get out of this state and then when we live in that moment for a long periods of time with let's just say like
long-term abuse which you know comes in many forms the body is in this constant
shocked stressed State and we know that the body the adrenals physically cannot
keep producing the biochemistry necessary to keep up with that constant threat coming from the outside world
right and I feel like a lot of people will then be living very much outside of
their body their focus is so much on the outside world on their their job their school their teacher their bully the
latest fashion all all all that I'm so focused on fashion today that's very but
must have been traumatizing for you somewhere clearly I I had a school uniform at school from 6 to 18 so that
wasn't that explains it yeah it's just about how how cool you wore your tie but
you've got so much focus on this outside world and it comes to a point where we we're no longer able to refocus the
energy back into us so the the idea of like doing yoga or meditation or being
with your own thoughts and feelings and behaviors is a very challenging thing to
do and we've got not only do we have this these external traumas coming in but we have all these distractions as
well we've got fast food colorful signs we've got phones we've got social media
we've got all this like absolute nonsense and all of our energy which you know on a daily basis is is limited it's
not infinite so much of it is going on the on these things are outside of us and then we're just so unbelievably
depleted that when we do want to bring some Focus back on ourselves first of
all we're not doing it because we're so um so distracted and second of all we just don't have the capacity to actually
do it so we've just got this lack lack of connection to the physical body so going back to the sematics makes
absolutely so much sense that a lot more um recovery healing would come when
you're able to work with a practitioner that can work with you to actually bring that Focus back to you back to your body
back to those parts of your your um your body that were being self harmed and actually having other know conversations
with that or being able to like feel I feel like that's such a powerful to do
and we don't get taught that really in schools in regards to like I know we see
some amazing things in like Japan for example where you know meditation and yoga is part of part of the school
day and for me meditation or prayer is this this
re-energizing state where I'm able to actually feel continue to fill my cup and if I feel depleted I feel stressed
right take some breaths and you can take five to 10 minutes to do this and you can change so much within you very very
quickly but we're not taught that we're taught to struggle and strive and keep
going and don't show anyone your literally don't show anyone your scars be them physical or in emotional and
it's such a struggle for people because we all want support we all want love and cuddles and Community but we don't live
in a world right now that is um letting people find that and be
comforted and be vulnerable in their recovery well that's what you mentioned
the spiritual prayer and meditation aspect and that is a big part of it because yes I advocate therapy and
sematic experiencing and all of that but therapy a good therapist will work with you for 50 minutes and that leaves over
10,000 minutes left in a week where we have to to be by ourselves with our head and our feelings and so that soothing
we're searching for we have to learn how to give that to ourselves and with a
brain that is I would say damaged but also that is not learned how to self- soothe that can
be really difficult and we need some sort of other help for me um I'm in
recovery program so I've been encouraged to find a higher power of my own understanding so that's always been a
focus but I in doing this recovery work with the self Haring and using my
creativity I realized I can direct my creativity toward find not only finding
a new voice and things to express in other ways but reaching a higher power
that's creatively my own specifically one that the part of me that would cut myself could believe in rely on have
faith in and ultimately talk to and get soothing from so that was a big part of
the create a process was making a spiritual connection for the cutter
mhm yeah the spiritual element is so huge for so many different things be
that for something like self-cutting or depression anxiety all of these things that um lead people down very dark roads
and I just want to kind of finish up on on a point I was making in regards to having
that energy that cup that that that that life force that we have have um being
depleted because of all these things going on around us and here at true hope yeah we've seen so many individuals who
come come to us to reach out to us usually because they've spent years decades in some cases
working with um doctors on on specific psychotropic medications and they end up
just not working for them they're not getting better they're not healing and they come to us as kind of like their
last hope and their true hope and those people once they are able
to begin to replenish their physical body with nutrition in a very unique bioavailable
form that regardless of your digestive absorption Integrity you're able to up
upload and absorb this nutrition into your body and into your brain it gives people that little bit of increase in
that cup that little bit of a a boost where they're able to actually start
thinking about themselves a little bit more they're able to actually bring some Focus internally to be able to to do the
other things that are hugely important for one's mental health be that to get outside to speak to a friend to move
their body to choose a different meal option for example and yeah it's just
it's just so it's just so forr rounded because I I I talk about basically that
point in almost every episode with all these amazing guests who talk about all these different things but it's like
this foundational piece that if we're not providing our brain and our body with like the foundational things that
it needs and not necessarily just like amazing nutrition but like
Community movement these things like we don't think about them as like foundational pieces but these are like
macronutrients you know you've got fats carbs and proteins but you also you've got like community and love and
spirituality and all of these things play an absolutely huge part of what it is to be a human being and if we're not paying just a little bit of focus on
these things then you can go from somebody who like is is sad and upset to
somebody who's like clinically depressed very very quickly and a lot of that has got to do with the fact that their body
is no longer getting the right minerals antioxidants vitamins it needs to
actually produce the chemicals to make you feel good and to make you sleep better and to give you energy to
exercise so there's a lot of foundational pieces that come into this I'm sure I'd I'd love to get your
opinions on that in regards to th those foundational elements that are kind of vital for people to um to avoid self
harm or or come out the other end of it like you have well I agree I love that idea of macronutrients being not just
the foods and nutrients but the community and spirituality and all the things we do and I also agree one of the
elements that I have worked with my whole life is my diet and exercise routines in order to maximize my my
health and my chances at having a good day because I I I had to give up sugar
along the way I don't drink or use drugs I try to get eight and a half hours of
sleep I try to move at least 20 minutes a day those foundational things I discovered were so just so crucial I
take them almost for granted Ed now they were so crucial in managing my
depression um I resisted anti-depressants until my mid-40s and this relapse and cutting and finally
allowed my doctor to put me in half dose and it really helped me and I and I still have a very minimal dose um and
it's it's just changed my world but for the most part I Rely heavily on nutrients and and good food and the
community is important and that is one area that I find is not we have communities and 12-step groups for so
many other issues but not for people who cut and burn themselves there's still a lot of stigma a lot of confusion
isolation around that and I don't have an answer for it yet except that um writing the book was the beginning of it
creating the website stopping self har.com is another beginning I have other ideas of how to proceed again I'm
not a therapist so I have to be careful about that but that I imagine there has to be some way that we can find
community and at least share our Solutions with each other and with every you know when you're depressed eating
well is sort of at the last of your last on the list because you just can't even get up out of bed yeah but I find that
with every win like let's say I get a good night's sleep then I can leverage that to eat a little better and it might
help my depression so it's they all work together it's not just one thing and as you said there's no no one teaches us
how to do this so we're those of us who came out of it and healed can help the
others who are still struggling with what we learned yeah I'd love to get maybe a
perspective but of because I think a lot of people maybe listening to this might
know somebody or know somebody who knows somebody who's whose child or brother or sister or partner or whatever is going
through something like this and it's obviously a very difficult touch unless you're a trained psychologist like how
would you how do you bring this up it's very challenging and especially we'll just go straight to probably the most challenging um area would be like how
would you begin to talk to a 14-year-old about what you suspect to be
you know self self har and I think teenagers probably think that they hide things brilliantly but parents are kind
of always aware always watching and and and always um maybe not watching but
like you always care you know I'm 40 years old and my my mom I'm the youngest of three and I'm still her baby you know
so she still constantly thinks and worries about me all the time and obviously never stops so I just wondered like just thinking of
like advice for parents who have children going through something like this like how do you um how would you
recommend maybe H starting conversations or um or or not in some cases I guess
maybe oh definitely yes start the conversation I I I did not have those
parents in fact I used to reach across the dinner table with an open wound on my arm and ask for the potatoes and
nobody would say a word so it was very strange being invisible and that was part of the problem but so what I would
have wanted at 14 that's the best experience I can give is what I would have would have helped me was actually a
teacher did help me a teacher did help me and she didn't judge me that was the main thing she didn't shame me or judge
me or put her fear of what I was doing front and center so that I would have to soothe her fear and she just showed
curiosity and love and caring and how can I help I just want to listen tell me
what going on and it is very hard to talk about because as I said it's actually a nonverbal thing one thing I
wanted to mention earlier is that it's a primal thing as well Studies have shown
that animals do it dogs self harm um primates other primate self harm if they
are miserable enough in cages in in Labs they've been documented as self harming
so it is it's a very Primal experience and it's so hard to talk about but just a little bit of love and attention
attention is really important that's what I was starving for growing up and just the act of caring like I have
recommend in my book to parents and grandparents who know loved ones and
it's just really a suggestion about an alternative to self Haring exploring drawing and creativity and the exercises
in the book and the self- soothing exercises it's just a way to gain their
trust and and show them you care and and I'm someone who's gone through it and so obviously it is possible to recover from
this MH beautiful well said I think there's a big message there in regards
to it's it we don't know what other people are going through um be that strangers or family members or friends
and um I'm blessed to work with such a phenomenal company we have these incredible Monday morning meetings and
we we go through our Mission Vision Values and so much of it is wrapped around compassion and understanding um
that people are in different places people are going through different things and something traumatic can mean
something in totally different to me than it's to somebody else and it's just good to maybe come in with a a baseline
of understanding and love and compassion I think that if you've got a um a spiritual aspect to your life or a
spiritual practice it's a lot easier to get into those States um for people and
I think that it's just yeah it's a wonderful way to do that and as you were talking about describing you you know
leaning over the table with open wounds and nobody back an eyelid it's it's it's
so hard to believe I saw that impact you yeah no yeah it did it did because you
you get you get that image and it's like whe whether that was my worst enemy or a stranger or a family member it's like
that has to do something again Primal to you that it's like to to take care and it makes me think of the individuals who
who were there and saw that how dark they must have been in their journey and
what must have happened to them to struggling yeah and again compassion
right like I think most people try and do their best but there is a lot of lot of Darkness underneath the the surface
layer for for many many people and sometimes it's just a a kind word or
a quiet word or silence in space that can do so much for people just to just
to let somebody know that you're there for them and it just goes It goes such a
long way I agree I agree I'd love to finish off talking about creativity and
why it's why do you feel it's essential for healing and maybe you can give people some some examples for that
because I think creativity creativity is very very interesting because everyone I think we're I think we're born with it I
think that it's a huge part of how we are supposed to be human beings from
birth to death I think creativity has done the most amazing things in human existence maybe not in the last couple
of hundred years I think about school I think about my experience in school and
how it actually killed creativity and there's some amazing TED talks about about that um in regards to how how
industrial kind of school system doesn't really breede creativity collaboration all these things and when you turn into
a when you turn when you when you become an adult um it's about you know it's
about fueling the economy it's about working and doing all these things you don't have you don't have time for you don't have time for painting you don't
have time for doing all these creative wonderful things you know you got to work and do these things but like how
how wrong we are in regards to the value of those things and how it um fuel fuels
develops and breeds certain parts of our brain that connect us with these incredible things outside of us nature
the cosmos each other and if we're not doing that we are we're becoming like
subhuman we're we're not full we're not not even getting anywhere near to our full potential if we're not practicing
this creative this creative thing we have in our mind so I just wanted to like get your ideas your experience and
maybe some recommendations in regards to what people can do to start thinking about being creative because a lot of
people haven't done that since they were doing art school when they were 12 years old yeah and that's a that's a great
question one of the the resources that inspired this book I love this book it's called your brain on art by um Susan
Ross and Susan maximan and Ivy Ross um and it gathers all of the current
research being done on the effect of arts and creativity on the brain and
neuroplasticity and they're they're they've created a new field called neuro Arts where they Advocate prescribing art
making for in therapeutic settings because Studies have shown how much it benefits people and helps with healing
PTSD and giving people a voice from veterans to victims of crimes all kinds
of things um and for me I and you don't have to be an artist to do all this
you're right it's our it's our human Birthright and I make that clear in the book um it's really about connecting to
the the little kid who is our true authentic voice and has no problem
creating it's the adult that judges or silences it but getting back in touch with that creative voice is very healing
and I discovered along the way that when I literally cut into the G on my paintings and then painted red paint
into that it would def it would not distract me but it would be give me another Outlet so I wouldn't have to do
that to my skin and then in putting those cuts into the paintings I was creating something else a narrative that
would surprise me with what came out and so in doing that I started realizing
there are other things I can do that make me feel that I can express in some way an example po to help possibly
viewers is when I was in therapy once we
were getting in touch with the sematic experien and we were getting in touch with this part of me that was cutting
that I didn't didn't have a voice other than the self harm and it it took over
me in this flood of energy um chemical reactions and so she gave me a my
therapist gave me a piece of paper and a pen so that I could do something and I just started scribbling it was like an
automatic drawing type thing and what came out was something
that I didn't recognize I'm a trained artist and this was someone else Drew this thing what it felt like but what it
was was this part of me that cut which traced back to my little tomboy who was being
abused uh saying help over and over in this drawing and then scribbling out the
words because I wasn't allowed to say that and I learned so much from that and it gave me my first outlet and it gave
gave me I was able to assign that cutter a new job which was creating the stuff
inside me and I and I started doing these types of expressive paintings that I'm doing behind me um and I and I
recommend that in the book a form of automatic drawing that I call rage art because we got to get that stuff out and
when we create as opposed to just say going into a rage room and banging old televisions and stuff we're actually
giving it a new voice away to speak more coherently in a visual language which is
the language of kids before we're it's trained out of us so there are many more
exercises in the book but I have to say that's one of my favorites because it came to me spontaneously and I've other people have
done it are always surprised about what they can create whether they're artists or not something comes out something
authentic well I think that when you start engaging that creative brain in a
practice like that you can gain access to things that you couldn't possibly do in any other way absolutely and what I
would like to just share with with with everyone the audience is like what we do know about like traumatic events that
happen when you're two years old five years five years old whatever the the
the body creates a mechanism a pathway to help as best it can to get through that for
somebody and that can last with them forever I like to think of it as like a new security program that is very
quickly uploaded MH and it's kind of always there unless it's got you go back
to it and you reprogram like you literally have to go go in there and do that I think that's a good way for
people to kind of understand how something that happen to to to you when you're a four or four or whatever can
significantly impact parts of your life not every single part of your life as an adult but it can come up in stressful
situations because you're engaging that let's call it your security pathway
right in your in your nervous system and there are these programs there that were put in place to get you through
moments and unless you do the work and we know so much now about
neuroplasticity and how we can change our mind and we can fire and rewire
neurop Pathways to create all sorts of incredible things for us you know um
there's so much that we can do with this work and there are so many incredible books podcasts practitioners out there
offering these services and in my opinion when it comes to to to therapy
sematic work and working with your physical body you won't you you won't find
anything that works I don't want to say quicker but like that you'll feel more engaged with I know a lot of people have
gone to therapy and it's taken years for them to really like have that kind of like ah Hara moment and they're just
they're just in I feel people in their heads too much and not engaging this
incredible physical body which is just littered with nerve cells that remembers
and it's um yeah it's just a fact I'm so happy that the all these sematic practitioners coming out right now and
and it's really going to provide a lot of help for people because people can do a lot of this work um at home online
doing courses and then and then use the the exercise is that they learn in
the moments when they start recognizing that these Security Programs are coming up for them and then they're able to
kind of stop it in its tracks and that's where the reprogramming happens and people can do some phenomenal things and
they might not even be aware that the thing that happened to them when they're four years old that that that program is
coming up for them in so many different situations and holding them back from so much whether it's relationships jobs
doing that that that risky thing um right yeah it's it's super interesting
and we're yeah we're in a we just started talking about how we're the start of the show how we're in a wild
world but possibility you know I think the majority of fabulous things come from
when things are most chaotic and I agree dangerous whatever it's it's a place of opportunity and um we've got the
internet and we've got all these incredible things at our fingertips and a lot a lot of these things
are free and very cheap uh these days so
yeah yeah and I would I would take that one step further that it's not just soothing in the moment that when those
programs come up as you said or the the the trauma or the wound it's not just about soothing the
wound it's about that's where we need to go next to find ourselves and our become our truest self so it's almost like um
the wound holds the answer that's where we need to go to get what we don't even realize we're looking for I mean that
work had not only healed me but brought me to my truest self it gave me a purpose in life um I'm fully alive so
and I wouldn't have been able to be this person if it weren't for that wound and then the healing from that wound the
wound has the answer yes that's awesome I love that so much um beautiful Maggie
thank you so much for that um just before we check out can you just tell people a little bit about how they can
connect with you if they've got questions if they want to grab your book is there like a little preview people can read you can always go to maggie.com
if you want to reach me but um the a Creator's guide to stopping self harm is on Amazon and the corresponding website
is stopping self har.com you can reach me by email through either of those
sites amazing and you actually mentioned a couple of um books that has supported
you and helped you I I'll I'll get those from you and I'll put the in the link so
people can find find those um are there any maybe podcasters out there or um
other resources that you think would be valuable for people if they wanted to like learn more like I just think about who's who's the most predominant
psychiatrist or or doctor or or therapist that that's talking about this openly and and providing a lot of
information you know I I work with my therapist and haven't explored other podcasts but I do uh you know know the
the main book the body keeps the score uh family systems therapy is great um as
I said your brain on Art i' I've referred to books so I can send you those links amazing and you can put them
on the site perfect Maggie yeah that's that's wonderful well thank you so much for coming on the show today such an
interesting topic and you've opened up beautifully to us and I think that's very valuable for a lot of people
probably valuable for yourself as well during your bra process of course um so thanks so much for coming on the show I
appreciate it thank you beautiful well that is it for this episode of True Hope cast the
official podcast of true hope Canada I will leave links in the show notes for you to connect with Maggie and check out
any of those other amazing books and resources that we've mentioned we'll be back with you next week uh leave us a
review on iTunes if you wish and a star review on Spotify other than that we'll see you next week