Guest Episode
March 06. 2025
Episode 176:
Healing the Inner Child: Transforming Wounds into Wisdom
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What if the key to overcoming your deepest struggles lies in reconnecting with your inner child? In this powerful conversation, we sit down with Alicia Farricielli, a renowned holistic healer and wellness expert, to explore the profound journey of healing childhood wounds and transforming them into wisdom.
Alicia shares her insights on how unresolved childhood pain manifests in adulthood, influencing our relationships, behaviours, and even our health. We discuss practical ways to access and nurture the inner child, allowing for deep emotional healing and personal growth.
But healing isn’t just emotional—it’s biochemical. Alicia also uncovers the critical role of micronutrient deficiencies in mental health, explaining how conditions like anxiety, stress, and ADHD often stem from imbalances in the body. Learn how replenishing essential nutrients can restore emotional stability, improve focus, and unlock a new level of well-being.
💡 Key Takeaways:
🔹 The science behind the inner child and why healing it is essential for adult well-being
🔹 How childhood trauma influences anxiety, self-sabotage, and limiting beliefs
🔹 The surprising link between micronutrient deficiencies and psychological disorders
🔹 Simple strategies to nurture emotional resilience and restore balance
If you’ve ever felt stuck in patterns of stress, fear, or self-doubt, this episode is your invitation to heal from the inside out. Tune in and take the first step toward transformation!
/ alicia_farricielli
think of your inner child as the I would if you can go back as far as three years old that's great anywhere from three to
5 six seven years eight years old well imagine how you were that as that child even before if you had even if you had
trauma or any type of things you're most authentic self you joyful playful you were C curious you wanted to learn new
things you wanted to see new things there the world was really at your fingertips until someone comes in and
tells you how you needed to be and so they put you in a box and a lot of times that is our parent um out of love a lot most of the time
it's still out of love our teachers Society our friends um TV everything we
see tells us what we need to be in the side little box and tells us what our limiting beliefs are what our strengths and weaknesses are and really they it
try tells us who we are most of the time that's not authentically who we are and so that starts to create the wounds
inside of us [Music]
hello everybody and welcome to True Hope cast the official podcast of true hope Canada where we take a deep dive into
mental health many physiological and psychological aspects this is the show for you if you're looking for motivation
inspiration knowledge and solutions and that's what we are all about here at trueu Hope Canada true hope Canada is a
mind and body based supplement company dedicated first and foremost to promoting brain and body Health through
non-invasive nutritional means for more information about us please visit trop canada.com today on the podcast I
welcome Alicia fariselli now Alicia has has a 20-year multifaceted career in marketing public relations
entrepreneurship but now she shines as a certified life and health coach specializing in intuitive healing and
personal empowerment her philosophy emphasizes the significance of intuition holistic well-being and achieving life
balance guiding clients to overcome limiting beliefs and embracing change unlocking their true potential today on
the show we're going to be discussing healing the inner child and transforming wound
into wisdom enjoy the show Good Morning Alicia welcome to True Hope cast how are you what is going well I am doing well
um everything is going well it's a beautiful sunny day today I got my camera working so we're ready
to that's what's going well yeah we had a bit of technical difficulties and then we also talked about the weather which
is super classic British thing to do but I think you about 23° plus and I'm about minus5 so there's
a massive discrepancy between our temperatures right now now but that's amazing that we're even able to do this
with the technology that we have to have these conversations so we're just going to roll with it and I'm going to forget about your warmth that you've got over
there um but before we get dis into our discussion today we're going to be
discussing healing the inner child and transforming wounds into wisdom which I just love that phrase but before we jump
into that amazing topic can you just let us know a little bit about who you are and what it is that you do please yeah
so so I'm again I'm a Lea fa s and what I like to call myself as an inner child
specialist um inner child coach so I go down kind of the typical i' say life
coaching path but on a a different level so we dive deep into our inner child
what it C what what is causing the type of um blockages people are facing things they want to get further into into their
lives and then um I start address those and then I have like a kind of a four-step process that I take my clients
through to start to reveal these wounds to start to heal them connect them to the inner child and to become an extremely creative playful joyful um
being instead of kind of the misery um that the inner child wounds can bring people interesting so what inspired you
to become a life coach and inner child specialist where does the where does the passion come from where does the Drive
come from yeah I find that probably most people that do this work have had some type of experience of as far as their
own healing journey and that was part of mine too so I was born into a super strict um conservative super religious
um very fear-based family had a lot of inner child wounds that were based um
from that from my childhood that just very fear-based and so that really started to created a lot of issues into
my adulthood and so once I started to just this little healing process about 10 years ago I was like little is a big
healing process started down that path and I started noticing there was still
something missing as I was healing and it tied into there's inner child wound
and so I started it's funny how the universe works it's like oh you want something here it is look at inner child
stuff so I started going and down that path started healing healing my inner child and then started to realize that
it was my clients most of their issues and most of their problems and situations are facing were tied into
inner child wounds so started implementing that and I'm finding that most people the things that they're if
they're stuck against a wall and they keep bumping up against the wall and bumping up against the wall a lot of times it is tied into the inner child
wounds that they're not really aware of so I start to bring those out and make people connect to those and maybe you
could just take us through a little bit about what does inner child mean like what does that what does that phrase
actually mean I think a lot of people have probably heard about it but it's like maybe you can just for a lot of
people it's going to be brand new so maybe just for everyone just kind of give us a foundational idea about what you're saying what do you mean when
you're saying inner child work yeah that's a great question so but inner child think of your inner child as the I
would if you could go back as far as three years old that's great anywh from three to five six seven years eight
years old well imagine how you were that as that child you probably create even
even before if you had even if you had trauma or any type of things your almost authentic self you're joyful playful you
were C curious you wanted to learn new things you wanted to see new things there the world was really at your
fingertips until someone comes in and tells you how you needed to be and so they put you in a box and a lot of times
that is our parents um out of love a lot most of the time it's still out of love our teachers Society our friends um TV
everything we see tells us what we need to be in the side little box and tells us what our limiting beliefs are tells
us what our who we are who are with our strengths and weaknesses are and really they it try tells us who we are most of
the time that's not authentically who we are and so that starts to create the wounds inside of us and so for instance
I give people if you came home with a say you you you studied really hard as a
kid for this test and you thought you're were going to fail it and you came home with like a c or or a d or whatever and
you were super excited you didn't fill this test but then you brought this test grade home and your parents were so disappointed that you didn't get an A on
it so that creates an inner toi in the box where I'm supposed to be the certain person I'm supposed to be smart I'm
supposed to be make straight days I'm supposed to study even harder I'm supposed to earn my parents respect I'm
supposed to earn love I'm supposed to earn all this stuff so it's in that box that's a wound that goes inside of us so
as we get through our adulthood a lot of times that can TRS into especially like B you're a business owner or if you're
you know hardworking employee I have to do more more and more I have to earn that and nothing's ever big enough or
good enough for me or I'm complete opposite maybe you kind of shut down if you don't you know if you're not good
enough you don't do anything at all and so the little little things like that tend to to create these little wounds inside of us so the inner child can be
very very very spirited very very creative it's that fun creative portion of ourselves if it's healed right and if
it's taken care of and it has a relationship with it but if not if we keep shoving the inner child down what's
it going to do it's going to act out and it's going to make us feel these feelings that we don't quite they're not comfortable with us and not really who
who we truly authentically are so in that example you're mentioning
there it seems like a lot of that like initial wounding that initial trauma
that's happening is on in many cases happening at kind of like a micro level like it's it's a incident here it's an
incident there and it and the example you used about the test results it sounds just like a lot of those traumas
begin with a lack of maybe like empathy and compassion and um meeting kind of
kids where they're at rather than that overarching very high expectation of
those kids to meet success whatever that means to that parent in that time and
you have to take into consideration that you know parents struggle mom's struggle dad's struggle and even in those moments
in that scenario where that child is bringing that test result that might be goinging to a very stressed adult
therefore their response to that situation is going to be altered but that's not going to take anything away
from the experience of that child who's not being met with love or Compassion or
understanding or Joy or empathy in that moment um so it sounds like there's not
necessarily A like there's not a childhood need happening in those moments and therefore it's actually
confusing to the nervous system confusing to the brain confusing to the body of that child because they're
expecting something through a scenario but they're getting back let's just call it negativity and that negativity's
obviously got a frequency it's got an energy and it and it's and it's connecting with um let's call the
receiver in here for the child and it's not really Computing because they're expecting something very different than
what they receiving back yeah yes and it could be the complete opposite maybe you have a
parent that didn't care enough neglect so it has different different qualities too and I do want to preference and say
that our parents we have to give them much gratitude forgiveness um and grace through this because most parent I'm
saying most parents they do the best they can with what they know they have and they they do they do things out of
maybe they did that for that test grade out of love because they wanted to push that child to do more but maybe that
child was at their at Max capacity and that's just one simple example there can be much more deeper stuff and you know
smaller stuff such as a kid maybe called you ugly in class and now you kind of subconsciously kept on to that that that
belief system that belief that you're ugly so therefore you maybe you have to try a little extra or you your little I
guess you call High Maintenance inside I don't know maybe maybe there things you you value your exterior looks more than
your interior looks because of things like that so it doesn't necessarily have to come from your parents however a a
lot of the wounds probably did come from a some type of caregiver yeah it's it's complex I mean
every single individual that comes and works with you I'm sure they have a completely unique and different story
and the way that they've got there is very different the paths that they've taken the choices that they've made like
it's a very complex and unique um terrain but I guess at the end of the day um trauma within the body and
accessing that inner child I'm sure that pathway there's a there's um there's a form to obviously to gaining access to
it and to working through some of those things with those individuals yeah absolutely I've break
it down I'm actually um in the process of writing a book too that's going to break this break it down in a more of a published format um but well take my
clients through is you know the first step is really we have to get in touch with our inner child we have to acknowledge our inner child and we need
all we need to do is sit with their inner child and so when way to do that is definitely through meditation it's
through connecting maybe find a picture yourself as a child and if you some people don't have photos ofel as children you don't have that maybe it's
something that reminds you if you played basketball maybe it's a basketball a picture of a basketball player that you really resonated with when you're a
child and really talking to that and connecting with that and then we have to sit and we have to listen we have to
absolutely sit and listen and we cannot judge and sometimes don't even need to say anything except for I hear you I
understand you and what happened was absolutely not right you have every right you have to validate their
feelings because that that's the big that's what the wounds are caused because the feelings were validated imagine if you brought the test home
that and your parents said you know what I was really really really expecting you to make an A on this however tell to me
about this you know are you proud of this are this grade and from a nod judgmental and the child to say you know
what I worked really hard and I really thought I was going to fail this so I'm really happy with the C or D whatever and so you're validated the feelings of
that and valid it's the the validation of it that's missing so once you validate it and you listen to it then
you're going to start the reparenting process and that is you know what you I'm super proud of you for I'm just
going to use example of the test I'm super proud of you for studying and making an effort on this test I'm proud super proud you showed up for this test
you did all the things you needed to do for this test and you know what you did a dang good job with the B A SE I'm so
proud of you for that what did that inner child need to hear at the time to make it feel validated in love and safe
and that's the three things it wants to feel is validation love and safety when we can give that to the child I do want
I want to go back a couple steps first when you start the process make sure you're in a safe space you want to make sure you're in a physically obviously
physically but emotionally um mentally safe safe space um you don't want to do
this in the middle of you know chaotic stuff because your inner child's not going to connect not gonna gonna do
because it wants we want the inner child to communicate with you so once we start the parenting process we let it know
that it's okay but now it's now we say you know what I'm here I'm going to parent you and anytime you have an issue
like this comes up talk to me tell me and your child will talk to you and tell you you'll you'll still to know that
maybe not voice in your head but you'll start to be able to connect the connections to it and once you sit with
this inner child on a you know a daily basis if you need to monthly basis however often then your child's going to
start to come out it's going to start to be more playful it's going to feel safe it's going to feel loved it's going to feel connected to you and that's what
the connection is and so once it's connected we're going to keep that going
with our inner child we don't want to shove it down we want to say no I've already killed you you're good you know
we want to connect with it how do we do that what's the what's the best thing kids like to do they want to
play so we're gonna play with their inner child we're gonna do fun stuff we're going to create that out if you
loved jumping rope as kids that would brought your basketball go play some hoops with your friends go you know jump
rope if you love ballet you know if you don't want to be take ballet lessons or any type of dance classes go to the
ballet pretend like you're just admire it like you were that little child so all the little things that you wanted to
do I love the example tell people you you're like like superheroes dress in that red cape or whatever you know you
don't have to wear the cape but dress in the red shirt if you're a superwoman or Wonder Woman or whatever um I've get my
superheroes mixed up but you know whatever it was you know where that and what's the characteristics that Wonder
Woman had or Superman had they had confidence they helped people go
displays those qualities and have fun fun with it so that's the really the key to keeping your inner child happy and
safe because if we're not playing we're not having fun and we're just work work work all the time we're telling in child
it's not important yeah one of my questions that popped up when you talk just before you mentioned the the play aspect was that
there has to be parts of our like childhood and our inner child that comes out when we're adults because there's
obviously a huge part of who we are we learn the majority of the the majority of things that we're ever going to learn
we like learn before the ages of five and the majority of that is through play so a large part of our adulthood has to
involve things that we love that are fun and that are playful and I'm I'm a big
kid like with my with my small kids and it m it makes parenting a lot easier for me because I'm super happy playing
ridiculously imaginative games and doing all these ridiculous things that's very
easy for me um but I can understand how a lot of parents who have been bought up
to be very serious and it's about success and it's about and it's about providing which is all like all very
important things without question but it's going to um it's going to cause
issues for that individual as well as it's going to express out in within their like with their partner and their
kids because having fun is like a very important part of being a human being and and it it it lays down all the
nonsense all the ego disappears when you're messing around and playing and you're jumping on the trampoline you
know it's just it's just fun and giggles and you and yeah that those those parts of us that let's just say Society has
kind of created just dissipate and we're just kind of the true and we're authentic and it's a it's a beautiful
place to be because when you see somebody doing that whether you know them or not like we have a trampoline center here where I live and you just
see these these moms and these dads having way more fun than their 5-year-old it's like we like this is a
therapy that the government should be subsidizing because we have a much happier
population yes absolutely we have to play I mean two points here is who said
we we have to act like adult I mean yes we have we have responsibilities we get into our adulthood you know fortunately
and unfortunately we have certain responsibilities but who said we can't jump on the trampoline who said we can't
do that I mean who told who told you that the serious adults who aren't having fun in their lives what's the
point of life if we're not going to have a little fun here there's no point in in living a life if
there's no there's you're just serious and it's always you know constant constant have to be you know
adulthood or what whatever you want to call it so yes that's such a good point thanks for making that yeah and I just
we've just had a couple of people on the show recently talking about um particularly young men these days in
2025 and there's a lot of like hopelessness and loneliness around being within that demographic and we're just
talking there about um you know adults being able to access Play and creativity
and Imagination and how important that is what do you think what's your experience in regards to these let's
just call them like 17 to 22 and maybe even on beyond that these these young men that feel like
um they don't they're not ready to step into adulthood but they're also not ready to let go of being kids and you
know playing and whether that's like video games or messing around or whatever that might be um there's an
interesting transition there with that age group and with that gender um I wonder what you thought about that in
regards to being um overly connected to that inner child
and not wanting to let go because we don't have a lot of rituals anymore
within our culture that has a clear transition from going from a boy to a
man um I just I I use boy and man because I've got more experience with that because because I'm a man um but
what what are you what's your experience in that because it's an interesting phenomena that I'm trying to figure out myself yeah so I have a couple a few
theories for that first of all I think we're in a different so I would say those people are those were raised
probably from parents are probably in their 50s 60s they're not quite the boomer generation but they're not quite
the millennial generation so I guess you would call them the that's what whatever gen I don't know I'm like gen Z's and
Gen X whatever the generation TW so that generation of say the parents were raised by probably the boomer generation
which were raised by the what they call I think the silent generation or the great generation one of the I I I forget
the generation but you know the 1920s generation they went through Great Depression they went through all the
things they went through the struggles and even their parents went through all the struggles and so there think of all
the changes that went from the 20s the 1920s to the 1950s yeah I mean we're going through that right now too we're
going through the rapid you know through the rapid technology CH or industrial changes there we're going through probably 100% faster with technology
changes so what comes with that is they were told they had certain set set of
expectations that that passed on to the boomer generation boomer generation raised what I call my generation I'm 45
My Generation into not really kind of knowing they didn't want to kind want the same
expectations and as their parents put on them to be a certain box but they are also kind of so you had the mixture of
the free flowing so you had a lot of Revolution going in that so you take that so I think a lot of time history
has to do with with parenting techniques so you get into the generation I say My
Generation Um now is we were trying to break the patterns of those previous
generations because because those previous generations didn't really know how to show love to kids but now it's kind of an overabundance not an
overabundance of love but just more of a No Boundaries in place so we have to get
back to the boundaries in place and the parenting boundaries with love and guidance and some of that seems to be
kind of go kind of went away a little bit because we wanted to be the perfect parents we wanted to be the overloving we wanted to be that everybody gets a
chury parents there's nothing wrong with that of certain things as long as kids know that that's not reality so we've
almost created this generation of kids coming out that don't want to first of all they it's not that they
don't want to work but they have higher sets of values of what they want out of their life because they're still in the inner child phase so we have there's so
many beautiful things that are coming from this generation that's not all bad at all but we do have a generation of
responsibilities where really more parents to care of a lot more responsibilities and put a lot of responsibilities I feel like on the kids
it was more on have a good we want to have you have a good childhood but this
CH good childhood we're going to run you from activity to activity to activity to activity and then we're going to come
home and now we're in a I mean those those kids were raised by two parents that had to work our my parents were
raised by one parent typic I'm saying typically not always I mean that the Gen
60 SE 50s 60s and up 70s generation I'd say we're raised by two parent
households but one parent was at home yeah the mother and then the father so and I'm not saying there's any right I'm
not saying there's right or wrong to this and we're definely a different time I think that may have something to do with it the second thing is we have so
much technology going on that we have zoned out our emotions let F how just
having a conversation with my husband how this is all going so imag you have your 17 to 22 year olds what are they
doing for fun they're playing video games what's video games doing it's not creating doing creative activity it's
zoning you're getting a Zone and you're numbing out everything so creative play
to me is going out and doing something inter interacting in person or interacting with yourself and using
creative genius bringing in that creativity in your mind it's more getting into the right side of
your mind there are some I understand video games that do that however I think that's that's kind of where it's at our
these kids have were born into with a cell phone in their hands pretty much or given one at a very young age they they
just have so many numbing out techniques and they haven't really been taught to to tap into their
emotions so I think that's where the depression is coming through because you have all these emotions that you're you're coming in numb you're being
taught to numb out you can't stay numb for so long or you can only stay love for so
long you can't stay numb forever or things are going to start to trigger you they're going to start to notice things that come up so that's two things I
noticed um that's probably contributing to that um like I said there's so many beautiful things in that typical
generation my daughter's 23 um so I see part of this too I think she kind of hit like the very end of it but I see going
through you know some of her like friends and kids with um parents with younger kids in that age kind of what
they're what they're going through it's it's tough and you got social media too yeah that's on top of that that we
didn't grow up in that with that that was added on to us so we were adults that were able to handle that they grew
up in this this was something they they were born into that's a huge point in regards to we were adults when that type
of Technology came in because you know we don't really have a fully developed brain until we're like 25 years of age
therefore if you are bombarding an individual with um
dopamine hits to an underdeveloped brain you B your brain technically does not
have the mechanisms available to sustain the uh external stimuli like
impossible to do so there's going to be developmental challenges there's going to be um parts of the brain that don't
develop properly so and then when you throw in the fact that you know
teenagers don't necessarily eat brilliantly I see so many kids drinking
these like energy drinks that have got no place in in society and they are just
doing so much harm to their to their brains and their bodies and the the I
mean here at trueu Hope Canada you know we're a mind and body based supplement company and our Flagship product is the
most studied micronutrient formula in the world so we know so much about teenagers and young kids what under
nutrition does especially with minerals if you're if you're an individual who is chronically mineral deficient you are
going to experience depression and anxiety and ADHD your brain is not going to function properly because you do not
have the ingredients to produce the neurochemicals to produce the pathways
to create the actual neurons the myelin all of those very important things and when you
throw poor nutrition into a child that's like looking at their screens all the
time it's very challenging for your brain and body to keep up with the with
that external stimuli and I think that um video games is interesting point
because I remember playing video games probably from a pretty young age I think maybe like 10 I remember playing
like the the the NZ with my brother um and then I'm just thinking about the
particular games because I remember like you would play a game like Lura Croft or golden eye and you would could spend 40
minutes on a level and then if you died in the game you would have to go back to the beginning so there was actually this
like Progressive goal orientated reward system but these games they have today
have been developed very uniquely to keep them zoned out so there isn't this goal so like you can play for an hour an
hour an hour and then you die all of the things that you've accumulated within that game be that I don't know like
coins and gems or guns or whatever it is you still have them so that it's very
and I find that very very interesting I I guarantee there's books on that on podcasts on how they flip that um gaming
generation around and also what's sad is like you know you can you can game for
10 hours at home solo with no interaction with another human being
these days but like you know when it I remember taking my whole computer system my massive Monitor and my big my big uh
computer piece having to shove that in the back of my mom's car very carefully and then take that to a friend's house
and we'd have these like lamp parties where we'd have like you know seven or eight of us with our stupidly long
computers and but we were there like with each other in like um yeah in in in
the same room in like human space and it's just so interesting and so different and obviously I'm not saying
people should do that now but it's just these are these are the parts of um like
my childhood that have developed me into who I am and I couldn't imagine you know I would certainly be I would because I
love playing computer games I love playing soccer games and things like that I would certainly have been one of these kids that would like get home from
school put my headphones on sit in my thousand gaming chair and just get into
it until I couldn't keep my eyes open I would have 100% have been that individual but I was so blessed I was
born in 1984 and that just did not exist CU my brain would not have been able to handle
it my parents would have you know not known how to handle it either there's a big chance I would have been put on
medication because there was no way I was going to be able to handle school the next day after gaming till 2 amm you
know it's just not yeah not possible so kind of went off on one there in regards to the computer games but it's
super yeah and it's important that we take our own um personal experience from
it as well and I just wanted to there was a note I made right at the beginning of the show in regards to
um inner child work and like memories from from um from our youth and I was
just thinking about my own my earliest memory is a traumat is a traumatic one for for a five-year-old and I think I
was like four or five and um something happened in regards to losing my like favorite bunny toy and we drove four
hours across an island to our hotel and I've left him in this like shop and it's
super funny that's the earliest thing I remember remember and I still kind of think about it now and I feel sad and I've shared that
story with my kids and they they bring it up sometimes and it's super interesting because that's like the um
for me and and probably for a many many years after that it would have been a a traumatic piece for me but like what do
you think in regards to like the majority of people's earliest memories are they like predominantly like joyful
happy ones going a Disney World or are they like traumatic things is that is there much literature on that you know
that's a good thing I haven't really studied a lot of that some good points I'm like going to go freak out some research now for this um um I think it
probably depends on the individuals I remember mine being probably my first memories being like the first ones that
really come to mind without me having to go and do some deep subconscious hypnos like type of work to bring out with the
ones that are subconscious prob from kindergarten when I was four five years old and they were all good memories I
mean I remember coming out like you a tur they brought a turkey for Thanksgiving went to a small private school brought a turkey out for thanks
during Thanksgiving we got to pet the turkey and I remember the turkey running around and we all just kids C going crazy so I remember and as much as
fear-based and I always say traumatic like certain traumatic trauma like wounds inside my own childhood I
remember the good stuff first but I really think it's individual and it depends on it really depends on the
individual so I say if few of if the first thing that comes up is something that's negative that's really definitely
something we need you need to start working on if it's something good and positive those are the things we want to cling to because our childhoods are
never all bad there's always at least one good thing that happened in my childhood just the fact you survived it
but there's always one good thing and there's always been somebody around you even most people have had somebody
surround you that has loved them so we want to cling to that while we're doing the work so I think both memories are
very very important um to do as far as yours being the bunny it's you probably remember that because it's still a wound
that's deep inside of you um as a far as probably safety I don't know if the bunny felt was a safety
like safety isue validation love safety yeah the thing was pulled from you so you're safy you didn't feel safe at the
time without that Bunny and that was very kind of a traumatic thing for you um I tell pH people so funny because by
when I was about two or three um and I don't remember the me the specific M my mom tells me is I My grandmother used to
own a antique store and she had this Ronald McDonald um doll that and I fell
in love with that doll and so I still have that doll to this day by the way and so that was my that was my go-to
safety blanket was that Ronald McDonald named Rachel which is really funny because that's my spirit guide come to
find out but um I named her Rachel and that was my my go-to thing so if Rachel
had been pulled from me then that would have been traumatic for me and so I I
feel that um with inside what's inside of you because you didn't know how to process through that um and as kids we
take everything so literally so if something's taken away from you it's like it's really taken away from you
there's no replacement for it yeah at the time and the way that I the way that I translate it now from my understanding
of just biology is that um you know that thing that happened to me back then when
I was 5 years old losing that bunny it's obviously created a cluster of neurop Pathways in my brain so strong that it's
still like it's still in there today and fires frequently sometimes when I think about it and there's obviously a million
and other things that happened in around that time that I don't remember but if I was a CH if I was a child and many
children go through this where they are psychologically or physically abused or or both lots of times that's going to
create neurop Pathways that will end up becoming just the conscious normal pathway for those children and
then into adulthood so I can only imagine yeah the work that's needed and
how difficult it can be for those individuals as adults and it makes me have a lot of compassion and
understanding empathy for those individuals because you just never know what people have gone through in their
child within their childhood and how they grew up so it's probably just a good Baseline to just treat everyone
with a lot of love absolutely yeah that's I mean that's super helpful for yourself as an individual but it's yeah
this is a good way to be for sure um I'd love to talk about like the typical
misunderstanding surrounding inner child work and emotional healing how do you um clarify those with the
people you work with absolutely so a lot of people come and they're like well I had a great
childhood that's fantastic I'm very happy that you have that that view of your childhood but nobody's had a
perfect childhood nobody's had a perfect because we're humans in a human world or
human experiences and there's things that are happening that our brains as a child just don't quite understand or the
capable understanding so that's great so maybe it wasn't your necessarily your parents like my parents were great
they're perfect I had to grow perfect parents that's fantastic maybe it wasn't your parents that are causing this so a lot of times people want to say for
instance if they I'm Give an example um Rel let's take go through relationships you have somebody who keeps have failed
relationships I fail they think that's their their terms I keep failing in relationships I keep dating the same
person they keep leaving me or I keep leaving them or I keep going through we keep having the same fights with the same you know person but but I had a
perfect childhood okay let's go back and take once's the what are the arguments about
what if you keep being keep leaving the same person or you keep having a relationship and then you like I don't
want to be this you know back backing back out there's some type of fear control Miss possibly a fear of
Abandonment which could come to something as simple as what you had said about your losing your bnny you know it
could be something as simple as that so once we start to heal that type of wound and realize like that's child wound but
the say because I lost the bunny did that devastate my entire world was I able to not move
on that was not true I wasn't and we have to give a time for that little inner child to love and respect and to
mourn that bunny because if you weren't able to more I'm just using example mourn that bunny if you have parents
that said it's just the stuffed animal will get you another one which is so typical and as a parent I completely
under I that's something I would have did it's just a bunny we'll get you another one to quit crying it's no big deal because I I didn't understand the
inner child stuff when I was I was a young parent so what's that telling old child what you have to say is not valid
and you're more your feelings towards this money are not valid so therefore you should not attach yourself to
anything and so the little things like that start to to add up that's that's B
that first the second one is I'll always have an wounded inner child that's not true we you have there are wounds that
the inner child faces and you new new ones will come up but if you know how to connect and to heal that inner child it gets much much easier to do
it that's great yeah that um I think it's a great uh a great window into kind
of this type of work and for a lot of people yeah who might think that um they don't have any of these like wounds
whether it's like I think for a lot of people that they they know they've got stuff they need to work through and
because of the they clearly know that things happened but then there's a lot of things that people just it's just not in their conscious mind and there could
just be tiny little things that are holding them back um which you know you could kind of look to you know you're
looking to kind of optimize your psychological Health by working through these things um because you're just not
you're not completely conscious that that they are um that they're there and they're present and they show up in situations where you might feel yeah
anxious or depressed or you're you know you're not kind of like centered or grounded or in like a homeostatic
phase and yeah that's interesting but you know what are the other types of challenges or limiting beliefs um you
often see in the people you work with and how do you help them get over those hurdles because I'm
sure there are a lot of people you work with a lot of people you see who have
walls built up around this type of thing yes um a lot of it is it's too
painful I I I feel a lot of people don't want to do the work because it's painful to go back there is some pain involved
and we have to sit with this pain you have to sit with your inner child and you sit with the wounds and the cry and
you have to cry it out you have whatever emotions because we've blocked these emotions down inside of our system and
we all know that there's so much science behind this that I'm sure L all know that that starts to create issues in
your body why the doctor say stress is a number one cause of any type of like heart issues or any strokes and stuff
because stress is a nothing more than emotions that are not being processed through I'm talking about major stress
you know a little bit of stress is normal so if we don't process the emotions and we don't get to the
point they're going to come up eventually and so they have to come up and if we start to understand that
emotions are nothing but an emotion it's just it's just sadness it's just anger
and it's not it's temporary it doesn't have to be forever but we have to process through those and you have
enough strength everyone has enough strength to process through those emotions we just have to do it and if we
understand and we take ourselves almost a third over a third view um of it here's myself here's this emotion I'm
gonna watch myself process through this emotion I'm gonna cry all these tears yeah or I'm gonna angry I'm gonna scream
on throat whatever you got to do just you know don't damage or hurt anyone else um whatever you have to do to get
get those emotions out of you is gonna bring the joy and the peace that comes along with it so people think that I'm
fine I have no issues but I don't really know how to feel into that so a lot of people they'll come in they don't know
how to feel their emotions and that's a huge that's kind of the numbing but we we're talking about before we're taught to numb our emotions we're taught to
numb it down we're taught to not process through that and that starts we don't have a voice anymore we don't have a we
don't our bodies start to dysfunction and it's we're not in a happily joyful place we're just going through the motions of life and we're not living
that that creative fun part of oursel yeah I think for a lot of people like we're going back to this like this
this play aspect that we're talking about playing as adults I think that once we become adults we we we live way
too much in our heads in regards to like you know we're using our physical body to get us from you
know bed to the bathroom to the kitchen to our car to our office and then etc
etc rather than you know we have this incredible body that's like littered with nervous systems with part of our
nervous system especially within our gut so food's obviously got a massive impact on it but we um we we're supposed to
move our bodies and engaging them but like that's when a lot of like sematic work that's kind of coming out at the
moment like it's really great we've had a lot of amazing sematic practitioners on the show where they're helping people
re-engage their connection with their bodies and their emotional state and I think I remember I can't remember the
name of the book but I remember reading a book talking about how we have a lot more control over our emotions that than
we think like we've kind of been trained and thought that emotions are something that happened to us and that we can't do
anything about it but obviously what we do know now is you know you can recreate and re wire neur neurological Pathways
to turn that sadness that you often feel in those certain situations into something completely different or just
tone or just toned down you know obviously sadness is is is a very normal
natural thing to experience but it's when is that coming up for you and has that some is that is that sadness
something that's been formulated over years and years and years of you know of of stuff that's just not been worked
through so yeah that's very important the emotional piece yeah you have to process work through it emotions are not
bad there's no bad emotion just what we do with the emotions how we respond to the emotions
that create situations that become bad there nothing wrong with you to be sad or angry or upset that's you're a human
being you're supposed to be that's how our bodies are designed to function to process through it's our that's our
nervous how our nervous system knows what what's going on yeah how we connect our bodies and our brains and all that
together is through emotions yeah and a lot of lot of people are stressed
a lot of people are anxious a lot of people are depressed these days you know we just see mental health just just going Skyrocket through the roof even
though we've got hundreds of different psychotropic medications that you know in my opinion don't seem to be like you
know really like curing people or getting people better otherwise we'd see those numbers come down um and obviously
the work we do here at Tru hope we've you know we've got 36 peer- reviewed medical journals showing our Flagship
product here EMP Power Plus is incredibly um helpful for um children there's a whole section on the the
research in regards to children in lowering anxiety and stress especially after like traumatic events so this
would be interesting to you well a lot of This research was done in New Zealand post earthquake and being able to
actually use our product as a um mechanism to provide the body with the
necessary minerals antioxidants and vitamins and amino acids to support the
nervous system in processing trauma in the moment so quake and then like
splitting off these two groups into you know not taking anything to taking this natur taking the supplement and
obviously after you know an earthquake the nervous system is going to be rattled especially for children who
maybe not understand exactly what's happening and they completely feel um
unsafe but if they've got the love and care of people around them and they've actually taken the the products to
provide the ingredients necessary to create chemicals that are going to re
balance their stress response if that's not there it's very challenging to do
that and we've got adults we've got teenagers we've got kids out there who are so disregulated with regards to
their stress and their anxiety because of oh my gosh like nutrition cell phones all of these things just stress of being
a teenager all of these things are super important but when those children when those kids and those adults are taking a
product that's can actually cross the bloodb brain barrier and affect the brain positively which most micronutrients don't do
they're actually they're getting this um like kickart to be able to actually start processing things thinking about
their thoughts processing their emotional state and behaving and acting in a way that's going to kind of make
them feel better it's just remarkable that what we see in in taking something
so simple as just like basically food broken down so small that can to be absorbed and utilized and used in the
body regardless of how stressed somebody is you can actually take this these products to serve you and when we take
care of foundational nutritional pieces lots of other things seem a lot easier it's a lot easier to think about
going out for a walk or thinking about maybe putting meditation into your routine think about maybe picking
something healthier to consume rather like than validating the anger and sadness with like ice cream and chips
whatever when you know sometimes that's a good thing to do and you should totally do but if you're doing that every day and you're eating emotionally
like that is going to obviously effect that's the ingredients that you're putting into your body to create brain cells and create neur neurochemistry so
if you're every day taking a product that can get into your body and build
these things and I I do it for myself I've seen my kids take it and I can see when they don't take these foundational
things they get stressed out a lot easier they get an angry quicker they get rageful quicker they're irritable
but when they do take these products they they certainly get into those States but they don't go nuclear they
get into a place where they can catch themselves and bring them back to balance which every parent on the planet
should have this in their back pocket because it's a challenging thing to get good quality food into their kids especially when their preferences Change
Daily um so yeah I just wanted to make that piece because that piece because um
a lot of the inner child work not doesn't just affect adults but obviously teenagers get affected by what happened
to them as children and even like you know 10 11 year olds Etc like it's all it's all massively connected the one
primary foundational piece is like are you providing your body with what it needs to help you
recover I'll let you talk now because I just went off oh good yes I I love that because if
we're not I always preaches the I'm like we have what you're putting into your body is either harming it or it's giving
it nutrients and if we continue to put in I mean in the US we're very well
known for all the chemicals hopefully some of that starting to change over but we're known for all the just crap they
put into our into our food into our water and there's no wonder I mean you I'm I'm sure you like look at the rates
of ADHD and they say well it's because it wasn't diagnosed no I'm walking I can see kids like have no attention span
anymore we've been also training through you know technology but also through the foods we're eating caus us not to have
attention spans yeah they cause us not to to be able to do the things um kids
are tired they kids are more overweight than they were you know 20 years ago kids are they're they're coming out and
it a lot of it like parents are on you know they're working so many hours to provide and they're struggling and
trying to provide for their you know to for living standards and the kids kind of what's the easiest thing to do is go
through McDonald's or a drive-thru or pick up a pizza or do something else and
I understand that because I I've been there but the things that you're putting into your kids' bodies are going to definitely make a make a change and
they're they're develop mental their brain development yeah it's hard not to look at basically just looking outside
of your house and experiencing what's going on with your community to not recognize that there is a long arm of
big agriculture big sugar and all these these organizations I think most people are aware of the influence big farmer
has um on individuals but like when you've got governments that for decades are
not looking at the science are not protecting the people they are supposed to govern that's when you need huge big
shifts politically because you know who's going to do it like who's going to um ban the chemicals that have been
banned in the EU for like decades that are still used in North America I mean it's absolutely Preposterous when you
hear about things like that that there are chemicals used in Europe that have been banned for well over 30 years which
are still sprayed and used every single day on the foods that are given to kids in day cares like it's absolutely
ridiculous um because there's there's there's nobody in the government that well that really cares enough money
about that it's about it's money it's power and yeah we're seeing huge shifts in that like literally like two what two
hours ago Robert Kennedy Jr was just uh confirmed into the HS HHS so I wonder
like what's going to happen there in regards to the change for food and food
access and you know like it's not right that going to McDonald's and feeding your whole family is is cheaper than a
healthy alternative like that does is completely backwards yeah it should be I
don't know should be a mass premium put on those on those junk Foods because of the damage that they potentially cause
and the the effect that it has on the the the health of individuals but also like the cost of Healthcare in America
is ridiculous and you take away you take away junk food for a year that number's
going to drop in the the eight nine digigit amount and it's like like it's so obvious at this point there's like
books about it there's movies about it it's just right in our faces and it's quite insulting um and I don't blame
individuals for going there and doing that because economically like sometimes you just got to get calories into your children it's just like what you GNA
pick you gonna pick the $5 option or the $50 option it's like please obviously I mean that's what people there's I mean
there's literally in people trying just most like people are trying to survive right now with the economic cost of things you can't I mean to buy when I
Donald's hamburger costs less than buying a thing of fruit you know I mean that's
crazy that is that's insane you know and it's like it's I've seen like I feel
like the Fast Food level it's it's got increased a little bit but then it's like this big jump in any type of
healthy you know organic it's like okay so we're paying more for organic to not have these pesticides put on our but
yeah it's I it's crazy because I go to I can't have gluten here it makes me sick
if I if I have anything wheat related I I'm done for the day I go to Europe I can eat everything there and so it's
such a huge Testament of how the quality of food is and I don't feel sick I don't feel bloated I mean and I come back and
I haven't gained any weight like twice as much there so yeah I I've had the I've I've been lucky I spent the first
2 seven years of my life in Europe between Sweden and England and then move moving here when I was like 30 and I've
had a decade of living here and people's gut health here is significantly worse and I 100% put it down to the fact that
every time they're consuming pretty much anything um fruits and vegetable wise
and um gluten especially it's not the gluten that's causing the problem it's the it's the glyphosate that's sprayed
on people and acting as a significant antibiotic that's eradicating um all the good bugs in your
microbiome therefore causing so much gut disregulation and we know that the majority of your immune system resides
in there and a good chunk of your nervous system as well so if you've got poor gut Integrity you're going to have
nervous system problems and you're going to have immunological problems and we see autoimmune disease in this part of the world ridiculous and it's it's
honest like it's so obvious now that it's like it's a it's a it's a glyphosate spraying pesticide problem
and again those spraying that on crops in the UK is in in the EU it get does
get done in certain circumstances I think but like not to the level that it's done here like it's pretty much
like a band a band product yeah craziness yeah um I know we're
coming to the end of our time here and I love that we've gone off on all sorts of things there and we've made it relevant to today but I guess I think at the end
of the day we're just looking to um provide inspiration and solutions and
knowledge to people that um there are people out there like yourself who can work with the inner child and create
some forgiveness there create some space and you know there was obviously for a lot of kids there was wasn't the validation there wasn't the love there
wasn't the safety but I think it's awesome that you can actually provide that now as an adult to your inner child and there are practices out there there
are meditations out there there are people like yourself that can guide people through that and I think that having a coach having a um support
system there that to help you through that is a really great way of like you know putting your hands up and just like
kind of surrendering in a very positive way to like have your mind and body kind
of re-engaged with with uh with healing I think that's just amazing so I I'm
blessed that you're out there you're just another amazing guest that we have on the show that we're just trying to
spread the light in regards to there's so many amazing things out there available to people right now and that
um a lot of people suffering uh doesn't it doesn't have to be that way yeah
there is hope and there is healing there is hope and there is healing I absolutely appreciate that yeah that's
very cool um can can you just let people know where they can connect with you if they want to check out your um your
social media check out your website and um also you've got a book coming out is that next year when's that going to hit
um I'm in the process of writing it and I'm taking my time because I'm actually um doing some extra deep inner healing
um on myself as I'm writing this kind of opening up some wounds and going through that so it's a it's it's going to be a
beautiful beautiful beautiful um experience in book for people to read so look for it on the first of next year
maybe maybe closer to that um all the information will be on my website too anybody wants to get in touch with me
can go to my website Alicia ferrell. comom that's a i c a f a r r i
i.com um there's a book a link button up there so click on book a link or sorry
book a call um link up there so book a call with me will take about an hour or less or whatever time you need if you
just need a call and cry to me about your inner child I'll listen to you I'll give you some tips walking away and of course if you want to work with me um
we'll talk about what that looks like beautiful well thank you so much Alicia for coming on to the show I really
appreciate it and I'll make sure that all those links are in the show notes so people can get connected with you and then when that book comes out we'll get
you back onto the show um to talk more about it and maybe we can do some sort of like giveaway because we like we like
to do that oh i' love yes would be amazing wonderful well thank you very
much again Lea for coming on to the show really appreciate it thank you well that is it for this episode of True Hope cast
the official podcast with true hope Canada I will make sure that all the links necessary to connect with Alicia are in the show note so you can connect
there um don't forget to subscribe you can leave us a review on iTunes if you want and a star review on Spotify but
that is it for this week we'll see you soon