Throughout our lives, many people have told us to “drink more water”, which is excellent, as staying hydrated is vital to our health and well-being. Although, unfortunately, the education on water and hydration has failed to go beyond these few words. We all know staying hydrated is important, but why?
What are the risks if we don’t? Is all water created equally, and therefore going to benefit and hydrate us on the same level?

Water is a vital component of many functions within our bodies. It regulates our internal body
temperature is a vital nutrient to the life of every cell, transports nutrients through our bloodstream, flushes waste and toxins, lubricates joints, forms saliva, which is an important component of our digestion, and acts as a shock absorber for our brain and spinal cord.
Water truly is part of our being, and not simply something we’re told to consume.
Here is a rough outline of the water content in a few areas of the human body:

Brain 80%
Kidneys 82% water
Muscles 75% water
Blood 80% water
Lungs 83% water
Skin 64% water
If water is reduced in the body by only 5%, it can cause a 20-30% drop in one's physical performance. A 10% reduction can make you sick, and a 20% reduction can lead to death.
75% of citizens in developed countries are chronically dehydrated and don’t even know it!
Dehydration can appear as many symptoms and participate in the manifestation of many ailments within the body.
Brain fog, anxiety, depression, fatigue, Alzheimer's, lightheadedness, sleep disturbance, bi-polar disorder, negative mood, multiple sclerosis and more have all been attributed to inadequate hydration. Oftentimes, people don’t realize how dehydrated they are, and therefore are unable to connect the dots between their insufficient hydration and their symptoms. Dr. Corinne Allen does a deep dive on all this in her talk ‘Your Brain on Water', which you can find on YouTube.
So, you may wonder how you can ensure you’re staying hydrated as a step to avoid
falling victim to these concerning symptoms.
Firstly, the body typically loses 2.5 litres of water per day. That’s 9 cups of water we need to consume simply to replenish what we’ve lost. If we listen to the ‘8 glasses a day’ advice we’ve all heard before, we would quickly become part of that chronically dehydrated 75% of the population.
Our minimum daily water intake should be half our weight in ounces. If we want to hydrate our system, drinking our weight in ounces a day will do the trick.

Now that we know the importance of the amount of water we drink, let's address the importance of the quality of water we drink.
Almost all the water people drink (reverse osmosis, tap, distilled, bottled) is acidic, which is dehydrating them more. The source, pH and type of water you drink affects the body's ability to utilize and hydrate the cells efficiently.
Have you ever tried drinking water straight from a natural spring and realized how drastically different it tastes? That’s because it's living water. Since everyone doesn’t have access to fresh spring water daily, ionized water is the next best thing. Medical grade water ionizers hook up to the tap in your home and produce this living water, which is rich in molecular hydrogen (MH acts as an antioxidant within your body and is scientifically proven to help fight disease and inflammation). This water is changed on the molecular level and has been proven to be 6x more hydrating.
In the documentary ‘Secret of Water', Dr. Masaru Emoto ‘the water doctor’ speaks on the energetics of water. Water has memory and holds the energetic frequency of that it comes in contact with (physically or audibly), and its vitality depends on the way it flows. In nature, it flows freely in a spiral, which represents the law of constant change. When we drink water straight from our tap, it has added chemicals to clean it. It also loses its vitality due to all the straight channels and right-angle pipes it encounters. On the molecular level, living water forms beautifully symmetrical hexagonal crystals. Whereas water transported energetically collects negative information and loses its hexagonal structure. This is considered ‘dead’ water. Dead water that’s lost its vitality and is consumed transfers this energy to that which consumes it. Living water is not only energetically better for us as living beings, but also easier for our bodies and cells to absorb, hydrating us on a deeper cellular level.
In conclusion, the amount and type of water you drink has a major impact on your physical, mental and spiritual well-being, and should never be overlooked in one's health journey.
Stay hydrated my friends.
Teaghan Hybschmann

Teaghan Hybschmann
Email- teaghan.h@gmail.com
Instagram- @teaghan.michaela
References -
Documentary ‘Secret of Water’ on Gaia