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Writer: Simon BrazierSimon Brazier

The scientific community has always pursued the plant world closely to uncover its chemical secrets. We are blessed to have witnessed discovery after discovery, or how natural compounds have epic health and medical potential.

Some compounds stimulate anticancer mechanisms in the human body, others have remarkable antioxidant effects that protect the body from damage to free radicals. Every inch of the plant is examined! The leaves, fruit, root, stem, etc.

The chemicals discovered have names such as polyphenols or flavonoids, but they are simply plant chemicals or phytochemicals.

If you have experience with high-quality supplements, you will know how they play an important role in disease prevention and treatment.


Since the ancient world, this Mediterranean plant has been known for its medicinal properties. For centuries, it has been extensively studied and applied in folk medicine. The olive leaf has existed within several civilizations and has a strong cultural and religious symbolism.

The ancient Egyptians used olive when mummifying royalty, and many cultures used it as a remedy for fever.

Experimental and clinical data have provided evidence that supports traditional beliefs about the medicinal benefits of the olive tree and its hidden ingredients. These ingredients exhibit antioxidant, anti-tumour, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic (endothelial repair), anti-angiogenic (blood vessel creation), hepatoprotective (liver), anti-microbial, anti-viral, and neuroprotective effects (1).

What makes the olive leaf produce such magical powers?


Polyphenols are beneficial chemicals found in the plant world, mainly in berries, olives, tea, grapes and walnuts. They offer a wide range of health benefits, not only for those who are sick, but also for healthy people. Each of us produces damaged cells that need to be eliminated immediately. If not, they pose a risk to your immune system.

Polyphenols are extremely effective antioxidants. Antioxidants are important because they fight the damage caused by free radicals.

Scientists of the International Olive Oil Council conclude that the molecules in olive leaves can stabilize blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and balance cholesterol. All down to the high polyphenols found in the olive leaf (2).

The most abundant and powerful polyphenol in the olive leaf is oleuropein.


Oleuropein was first isolated in 1908 and was considered responsible for most therapeutic properties of olive leaf extract (OLE) (3). Oleuropein is present throughout the plant and is significantly concentrated in the leaf.

Australian studies examined the antioxidant capacity of 55 medical herbs and found that OLE had the highest antioxidant effect of all. More than twice of green tea and milk thistle (4).

When you taste the bitter flavour of high-quality unprocessed olives, you can thank the most abundant polyphenol, oleuropein.


Before we get into how OLE can become your most powerful antiviral, it is important to understand the difference between a cold and the flu.

A cold is a self-limiting infectious disease that can be caused by up to 100 different viruses. Coronaviruses and rhinoviruses are responsible for around 50-70 percent of all colds (5,6).

Cold viruses are the most common infectious disease humans contract, and they cost billions in lost work and school days. Not to mention the effect on the healthcare system. UK, Canada, the US and other countries spend billions on over-the-counter cold drugs that do not relieve symptoms and often increase the severity and duration of a cold.

Flu or influenza is an acute respiratory disease caused mainly by the influenza virus. It is usually more severe than a cold, but mild cases may seem like colds.

Due to the fact that colds and flus are self-limiting, all treatments focus on reducing the duration and intensity of symptoms, rather than trying to actually deal with the viral infection itself.


Bacteria and viruses are different. Bacteria are an organism that can multiply on its own. They are everywhere, and we depend on many of them for a high quality health, inside and outside of us.

Viruses are completely different! They do not have the ability to multiply themselves, they have to invade a host cell and get the machinery of that cell to do its replication work. Our mucous membranes are susceptible to viral attacks because the skin does not cover them.

Oleuropein has been shown to be effective against several microorganisms, including retroviruses, coxsackie viruses and influenza (7).

A robust immune system is the best defence against potential viral replication and infection. OLE can be a powerful weapon in your battle with the viral world.

It does this in a few ways:

- damages viral amino acid production

- prevents viral shedding in the cell membrane

- penetrates infected cells

- engages phagocytosis

The compounds in OLE can stimulate your own immune cells, which fight against different types of microbes. OLE possess a unique broad spectrum assassin. Many anecdotal reports suggest that OLE taken at the onset of cold or flu symptoms shortens and prevents the duration of the disease.


As the most prominent polyphenol compound found in Olive Leaf, oleuropein has shown in studies that it exhibits antiviral activity against respiratory influenza viruses. This has led many researchers to discuss the use of oleuropein as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent against SARS-COV-2 (8).

Recently, oleuropein was tested against the RNA virus SARS-COV-2 using computer and in vitro methods.

Corona RNA viruses have some of the largest genomes of RNA viruses. These viruses code nonstructural proteins (NSPs), which interfere with the host's innate immune system response (9). The virus is smart. It tries to mediate the host's defence by reducing the host's ability to replicate macrophages, specialized cells involved in the detection, consumption and destruction of viruses.

Studies show that oleuropein has a high binding energy towards NSPs and has become an effective counter molecule in reducing the virulence of SARS-COV-2 (10). If a virus cannot interfere with our immune system, it faces a huge immunological battle in its attempt to infect.

The antiviral activity of polyphenol compounds, such as oleuropein, must be further investigated. Given that oleuropein is well known and investigated, it would be easy to dig deeper into its antiviral capabilities.


The polyphenols in olive leaf work so well because they have a synergistic effect with other phytochemicals. The full spectrum of these chemicals allows a greater effect than an individual compound. For this reason, it is vital to consume an olive leaf preparation made from whole leaves, just like Truehope's OLE.

When it comes to olive oil, several factors must be considered when considering oleuropein potential. The type of olive fruit, the maturation phase, oil production and extraction methods all determine the overall oleuropein content of virgin olive oil (11).

"Die-off" Effect -

Before you take OLE, it is important to be aware of the "Die-Off" Effect. This affects different people in different ways, and can start almost immediately. It's a tribute to how well the product works.

Reactions are similar to flu, but everyone is different. These reactions are positive signs, but can be unpleasant. When certain microorganisms die, your body can become overloaded with the toxic waste it produces. Your body will eventually get rid of it, but for a while some people experience the above symptoms.

Our retailers across Canada undergo incredible in-depth training on our Truehope products.

OLE is no exception. Go to your local health food store and learn about the power and benefits of Olive Leaf Extract.

Have the best day!

Simon Brazier. Dip HN, NNCP


  1. Barbaro B, Toietta G, Maggio R, Arciello M, Tarocchi M, Galli A, Balsano C. Effects of the olive-derived polyphenol oleuropein on human health. Int J Mol Sci. 2014 Oct 14;15(10):18508-24. doi: 10.3390/ijms151018508. PMID: 25318054; PMCID: PMC4227229.

  2. Cherif Et Al., S. “A Clinical Trial of a Titrated Olea Extract in the Treatment of Essential Arterial Hypertension.” J. Pharm Belg 51 (1996): 69-71. Print.

  3. Walter WM Jr, Fleming HP, Etchells JL. Preparation of antimicrobial compounds by hydrolysis of oleuropein from green olives. Appl Microbiol 1973;26:773-776.

  4. Wojcikowski K, Stevenson L, Leach D, et al. Antioxidant capacity of 55 medicinal herbs traditionally used to treat the urinary system: a comparison using a sequential three-solvent extraction process. J Altern Complement Med 2007;13:103-109.

  5. Gwaltney JM Jr. e common cold. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, eds. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: Volume 1. 4th ed. London, UK: Churchill Livingstone; 1995:561-566.

  6. Durand M, Joseph M. Infections of the upper respiratory tract. In: Braunwald E, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, et al, eds. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 15th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill; 2001:187-193.

  7. Renis HE. In vitro antiviral activity of calcium elenolate. Antimicrobial Agents Chemother (Bethesda) 1969;9:167-172.

  8. C. Nediani, et al., Oleuropein, a bioactive compound from Olea europaea L., as a potential preventive and therapeutic agent in non-communicable diseases. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 2019. 8(12): p. 578.

  9. Snijder EJBP, Dobbe JC, Thiel V, Ziebuhr J, Poon LL et al (2003) Unique and conserved features of genome and proteome of SARScoronavirus, an early split-of from the coronavirus group 2 lineage. J Mol Biol 331(5):991–1004

  10. Vijayan R, Gourinath S. Structure-based inhibitor screening of natural products against NSP15 of SARS-CoV-2 revealed thymopentin and oleuropein as potent inhibitors. J Proteins Proteom. 2021;12(2):71-80. doi: 10.1007/s42485-021-00059-w. Epub 2021 Mar 23. PMID: 33776343; PMCID: PMC7985738.

  11. Goldsmith, C.D.; Stathopoulos, C.E.; Golding, J.B.; Roach, P.D. Fate of the phenolic compounds during olive oil production with the traditional press method. Int. Food Res. J. 2014, 21, 101–109.


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