Belly fat is the most significant measure of Metabolic Syndrome.
Metabolic Syndrome is a massive problem in the western world, and getting it under control is easier than you think.
Metabolic Syndrome is a collection of conditions that include hypertension (high blood pressure), insulin resistance, elevated waist to hip ratio, and poor blood fat levels. Having 3 or more of these symptoms puts you in the category for Metabolic Syndrome. Your risk for disabling or deadly conditions, such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes, increases with this diagnosis.

Our body is made up of different fats. The key question is, where does that fat accumulate? Belly fat or abdominal obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Over the long term, increased abdominal obesity can drive atherosclerosis.
With simple changes to your habitual routine, primarily diet, you can reduce your inflammatory load, and guide your body to using fat as an efficient energy source, not a dangerous storage compound. Added benefits to improved dietary habits include better cell regeneration, as constant toxins no longer abuse your body, chemicals and stress.

Conventional treatment for Metabolic Syndrome is merely symptom reducing pharmaceuticals and outdated nutritional recommendations. But Metabolic Syndrome is a chronic disease that can be treated and reversed using diet, stress management and ideal lifestyle changes.
Let us look at 4 Natural Compounds for Weight Loss
GREEN TEA is an amazing way to improve your energy, boost metabolism and help reduce weight naturally. A huge part of weight loss is inflammation reduction, and green tea possesses an abundance of plant antioxidants that help fight free radical damage to lower inflammation. Special antioxidants called catechins increase fat burning, at rest and during exercise (1).
VITAMIN D is arguably one of the most powerful micronutrients/vitamins/hormones we have available to us. The science is clear, low levels of vitamin D increase your chance of dis-ease, especially obesity. Even in adequate levels, we observe weight loss and improved body mass index (BMI) (2).
Studies within morbidly obese individuals set for weight loss surgery found 96% of those research participants were deficient in vitamin D. Researchers believe this is due to poor carbohydrate metabolism, a result of poor vitamin D levels.
FIBER is a vital part of a well rounded diet, especially when considering weight loss. A diet low or void of fiber can lead to constipation and bowel disease (3). We have 2 types of fiber to learn about:
Soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, supports blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Examples include nuts, fruits, lentils and legumes.
Insoluble fiber does NOT dissolve in water, so it helps your food pass through the digestive tract. Most vegetables, and whole grains, such as rice, are examples of insoluble fiber.
Consume various vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains to improve your fiber levels, and reduce highly processed foods that will disrupt and damage your gut health due to high sugar levels and low fiber content.
Normalizing blood sugar and bowel movements is a key part of healthy weight loss, and studies show that insufficient fiber can cause abdominal obesity (4).
Other ways to naturally reduce weight include supplementing with antioxidants, such as polyphenols, curcumin, resveratrol and our own Olive Leaf Extract (OLE). I recommend visiting your local health store, chatting with the staff, and exploring some options.
Have a wonderful rest of your week.
Simon Brazier. Dip HN, NNCP
